Calling all developers! Do you have Oracle database skills?
This failure is simulated by shutting down the Oracle database.
Loading data from the Oracle database to the Salesforce contact.
将数据从Oracle数据库装载到Salesforce contact。
Listing 5: EMPdemo Oracle database resource adapter configuration.
The repository data is stored in either a DB2 or an Oracle database.
Note: If you are using an SQL server or an Oracle database rather than db2.
Connect to the Oracle database with the proper credentials, as per Figure 5.
The job extracts customer data from an Oracle database table using an ODBC Stage.
An XA data source for the Oracle database is defined and used to execute the JDBC statements.
What this indicates is that your Oracle database is not configured to support XA transactions.
User Information: Provide the userid and password that you use to connect to the Oracle database.
The example I use here is an Oracle database server running on a p550 LPAR running AIX Version 5.3.
这里使用的示例是一个运行AIXVersion 5.3 的p550LPAR上的Oracle数据库服务器。
For example, one Oracle database wrapper is all that's needed for any number of Oracle data sources.
Make sure your have around 10000 open cursors setting for the Oracle database if that is the source.
The Oracle Database Diagnostic and Tuning packs help follow the diagnostics trail into the database.
should run successfully. The Oracle database will need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
In Oracle Database 10g, multiline text fields that do not have an index cannot be used in queries.
在Oracle Database10g中,没有索引的多行文本域在查询系统中是不可能被检索到的。
For example, consider an Oracle database server with three volume groups and interrelated file systems.
You can do so after you have imported all the metadata from both the Oracle database and
这可以在将来自Oracle数据库和 的所有元数据导入完成之后再做。
Two others have to do with configuration problems in the Oracle database and require an Oracle DBA to fix.
So the first thing you need to do to connect to an Oracle database is download the JDBC driver for Oracle.
因此,在连接Oracle数据库时,首先需要下载 用于 Oracle 数据库的JDBC驱动程序。
Figure 19 shows the setup of the ODBC connector to extract the contact information from the Oracle database.
Here is a brief description of some of the features that are available to you when modeling your Oracle database.
In Figure 20, the data fields from the Oracle database are mapped to the fields in the Salesforce contact object.
在图20中,Oracle数据库中的数据字段被映射到Salesforce contact对象中的字段。
You shut down the Oracle database to prevent SYSTEMC from completing the transaction and, therefore, it's roll backed.
The Oracle database offers a number of packages that provide functionality outside the scope of a traditional database.
These are typically used for developing or testing procedures and functions and are not storable in the Oracle database.
You can provide an interface within Base that connects to a MySQL or Oracle database without creating a custom application.
您可以在Base 中提供一个连接到MySQL或Oracle数据库的接口,而不需要创建自定义应用程序。
Every Oracle database contains a table space named SYSTEM, which Oracle creates automatically when the database is created.
Follow these instructions to see how to sample data in an Oracle database (Note: This applies to other database vendors as well).