During the oral defense of your thesis, tutors and experts will fire questions at you.
Thesis evaluation is based on the written thesis and the oral defense. The oral defense of the thesis will be held in Shanghai.
Each evaluation contains an oral defense. There is where the student presents their topic to an expert evaluator for assessment and review.
A final comprehensive examination or, subject to the decision of a program advisor, a thesis requiring a formal oral defense in lieu of the comprehensive examination.
The author, combined with the practice, analyzes the goal and significance of this oral defense, the organization, the procedure and so on to puts forward his own idea about it.
This paper introduces the core algorithm of thesis oral defense system of university graduate, and puts forward a kind of conflict processing, the expert interrelated trace back method.
Since 2004, guided 28 doctoral candidates to successful defenses and have participated on 52 College's oral Dissertation defense Committees.
The statute of frauds is a defense to the enforcement of this type of oral contract.
Since the statute of frauds is a defense against enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land or an interest in land, problems arise when an oral contract has been partially performed.
The statute of frauds operates as a defense to the enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land.
The statute of frauds operates as a defense to the enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land.