Look at Borneo, where you instantly think of the orang-utans.
The dog's growling had entirely ceased, as well as the uneasiness of the orang.
Most tigers are orang - brown or dark yellow with dark brown, grey or black stripes.
The last time Emily Bland met Rishi the orang-utan, they were both still at the crawling stage.
Orang Utans are highly intelligent apes and can be found wild on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
WHEN it comes to researching intelligence in primates, chimpanzees and orang-utans get all the attention.
The AD shows an office worker munching on a chocolate bar which turns out to be the bloody severed finger of an orang-utan.
Though nothing in the animal kingdom is using what we think of as language, gestures used by bonobos and orang-utans come close.
They're such lousy swimmers that some zoos have stopped surrounding enclosures with moats –too many orang-utans have drowned.
Animals with robust jaws, like gorillas and orang-utans, have long been known to be adapted to eating foods that require a lot of chewing.
His former colleague, Orang Dialameh, is the CEO at IPPLEX, a holding company that also has teams of engineers working on image-recognition projects.
It is tough work for the multinational crew of 30 in this rough-and-ready little boat, prettified below deck with posters of orang-utans and sunflowers painted in the toilets.
As the heavens open, the canopy offers scant protection from the downpour, so the orang-utans tear leaves off the trees to make pathetic little umbrellas to hold over their heads.
"One day we saw an adolescent orang-utan called Sif wade into deep water, hunker down and then lunge forward making simple paddling movements with her arms and legs," says Russon.
The Orang Asli are culturally distinct from the Malays though some who venture out into the towns and cities have been known to become assimilated with the Malays through marriage.
They are now among the major drivers of deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, wrecking tens of millions of hectares of primary forest and driving orang-utans and other wildlife towards extinction
They are now among the major drivers of deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, wrecking tens of millions of hectares of primary forest and driving orang-utans and other wildlife towards extinction