In Act I of the show, an orange colored hall is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly.
The Halloween jack-o'-lantern is made out of an orange colored pumpkin.
These orange colored soil blocks express traditional in the area together with the bamboo structure.
An orange colored colony was found surrounding the gametophytes on AGAR plate for more than 10 days' incubation and this strain was identified as same as the Cytophage isolates GE04.
TAM's shoreline is coated with a film colored in different shades of red, orange, and yellow, depending on how thick it is.
They made these inexpensive containers from an orange-colored clay.
If no methods are colored orange or red, application execution is relatively evenly balanced between the methods.
TAM's shoreline is coated with a film colored in different shades of red, orange, and yellow depending on how thick it is.
In act 1 of the show, an orange-colored block is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly across the stage.
The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color.
The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
图像中的x射线数据来自钱德拉(紫色部分),光波和紫外光数据来自哈勃(红色和橙色),射电辐射则来自甚大阵射电望远镜(very largearray)和梅林(蓝色)。
Ayida was wearing a short-sleeved orange blouse, a gold-colored necklace, and a denim skirt. Her hair was in long tight braids.
The setting sun colored the entire beach in a million of shades of yellow, orange and red.
落日的余晖照在沙滩上,各种各样的色彩,黄的、橙的 、红的将沙滩点缀成一幅美丽的油画。
I stared at the picture for so long that when I looked up again, I was surprised to see the nubbly orange couches and cream-colored walls of the common room.
Amber is commonly yellow or honey colored, but hues range from light yellow to dark brown and include lemon yellow, orange, reddish brown and almost white.
Widely cultivated South African perennial having flower heads with orange to flame-colored rays.
You can see silver, white, brown, gold, orange, blue, red, pink, black, and even rainbow-colored rocks.
Stars themselves are indicated in white, their discarded shells - in green and the dust rings are colored orange.
Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a Bright, orange-colored dress.
Well, it's not buckskin but it's still skookum. It's 'lumberjack orange' colored with no foofaraw.
嗯,这不是鹿皮,但它仍然是极好的, 尤其是那恰到好处的橙色。
A tropical American vine (Ipomoea batatas) having rose-violet or pale pink, funnel-shaped flowers, and cultivated for its fleshy, tuberous orange-colored root.
The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color.
In act 1 of the show, an orange-colored block is lifted from a blue box and moved repeatedly across the stage.
Should wear cream-colored or brown dress, also suit to wear pink, orange, warm color attune such as clothing.
Yellow colored single paper bag and double paper bag with black inner linings were used for bagging the Newhall navel orange fruits, and the fruit quality indices were analyzed.
In act 1 of the show, an orange-colored block is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly across the stage. Then it is returned to the box.
In act 1 of the show, an orange-colored block is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly across the stage. Then it is returned to the box.