In order to track temporal hours during the day, inventors created sundials, which indicate time by the length or direction of the sun's shadow.
I mean, really believed, and still dressed me accordingly in 1995: neon yellows and oranges were the order of the day, and headbands were encouraged.
I think that in order to break through any kind of glass ceiling, or simply to get through the day, you have to become impervious to the daily gruffness that's a part of any job.
Deregulation became the order of the day not just in the United States but around the world.
It would seem that many people are downloading them in order to have virtual memorabilia of the day.
I resolved to spend time in the accountants' glass tower, as well as in one or two of their homes, in order to build up a snapshot of an average day in the life of an accountant.
But few expect that in order to climb to the top of the corporate tree they may one day be required to work on another continent.
Even though we live in the midst of spontaneous order and use its brilliance every day (grocery stores, the world wide web, restaurants, housing developments), we don't really understand it.
The discovery, published in the latest issue of Science, counters the traditional view that, in order to conserve energy, these animals were active only by day, leaving the night to small mammals.
Scientists have found that a given population of phytoplankton can double its Numbers on the order of once per day.
The great hope of transplant surgeons is that they will, one day, be able to order replacement body parts on demand.
We filter through some simple apparatuses; we collect on the order of a billion microbes from just a day filtering on top of a building in New York City.
Small-scale, decentralised, ver-satile, nonhierarchical enterprises were the order of the day.
Round the corner things are more down-to-earth at a hostel and day-centre for the homeless (the largest in London, it is claimed) set up by a religious order, the Daughters of Charity.
Self-help slogans became the order of the day, mitigated by her idiosyncrasies and a tendency to refer to herself in the third person.
The power of having some time in the first part of your day to yourself in order to enter your day calmly and slowly, from a place of intention, can reap tremendous benefits for the rest of the day.
In order to one day declare victory, the Allies have to change the terms of what victory would mean almost every other day.
In places where America wielded more direct influence over events, such as post-invasion Iraq and, via Israel, the Palestinian territories, elections became the order of the day.
Problem resolution is the first order of business, because in reality, contracts are nearly useless when it comes to the day-to-day operation of a multiplayer online game.
Bob is without a doubt the most inspirational example of the true work ethic that is needed in order to make movies in this day and age than any other human being I have worked with or come across.
毫无疑问,在曾与我共事的人当中,他是最具有职业道德的人。 他是业内的楷模,我们需要这样敬业的导演来制作好的电影。
Even bigger savings in terms of confusion forgone would come with an American decision to adopt the more logical European practice of writing the date in the order of day, month, year.
In thanking you for your esteemed order of the 5th May, I inform you that it has this day been executed.
Lending hands to people in Sichuan has become the order of the day since the earthquake hit the region in May.
They all list the same days of the year in exactly the same order. But people do not buy calendars just to know what day it is.
People used to leave the reservation in order to work. Now some 3,000 workers, few of them Native Americans, arrive each day.
Each volunteer performed the above sets in random order for five days with a two day interval between consecutive sets of asanas.
Each volunteer performed the above sets in random order for five days with a two day interval between consecutive sets of asanas.