This object map only helps you to get an idea where the Place Order button is located.
To make things simple, we suppose that the Place Order button is the test object to find.
The frame is shown as the main window, and it is where the Place Order button is located.
For example, the default method to find the button Place Order button might look like Listing 4.
After applying the changes, use the Set order button to move the login module to the top of the list.
We first specify a path string that describes the path from the album image to the Place Order button.
After applying the changes, click the Set order button to move the login module to the top of the list.
Considering that path example, Listing 3 shows how you can write the code to find the Place Order button.
For example, you might find the Place Order button by its position relative to the cover picture of the album.
Find the Place Order button, guided by the hint of the hierarchical relationship given by the test object map generated just now.
Using the previous example again, you can find the Place Order button by its position near a found object, the picture of the album, and a specific path.
After recording the click operation on the Place Order button, you get the following hierarchical structure in the object map that is illustrated by Figure 3.
During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue.
During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a coupon or a catalogue.
Guyer separated child subjects into "outgoing" and "reserved" groups and then had them play a game in which they had to press a button in order to win money.
For instance, if a save button on an order entry GUI is pushed, a business rule could stipulate that the contents of the order are persisted to a database.
Sometimes dynamic HTML pages need to be fetched from the server whenever they are displayed - even when the back button is used. For example, pages showing the state of a bank account or online order.
To many people it’s as obvious as it is unpleasant that youmust press the button: the right thing to do is to kill the one in order tosave the many.
You can also use this button to execute the scripts in the order you want them to be executed.
Drag the Object Finder control over the Place an Order dialog, moving it to the title bar so that the entire dialog is surrounded by a red outline, then release the mouse button.
Now that the sample Purchase Order form has been updated to include a submission button, let's focus on the servlet that receives the form submission.
Now start the rich client version of the sample by clicking the Open button and choosing Order Entry Rich Client Sample.
However, unlike the iPhone version, there's no "camera" button which would allow you to immediately activate the phone's camera in order to take a picture and then upload it.
You did this by adding a submit button to the Purchase Order form that, when pressed, submitted the entire form to a servlet.
You need to click the Continue button in order to access a screen with the system status summary.
For example, on the status page, you might have a user enter an order number and have another button or link that gives them their status.
In order to call or be called, you often have to do a bunch of swipes and button pushes, which makes using the phone a more difficult and distracting experience than it needs to be.
For those of you who do any shopping online, this is precisely why you see warnings not to press the order submit button more than once or else you'll end up with multiple charges on your credit card.
The data in the grid can be sorted (in either ascending or descending order) by clicking the button near the column names.
In order to test the archive action, just click the button and verify if the correct archiving request is created in the CSLD job database.