All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.
Sort items in a logical order by default.
WHERE and ORDER BY are both common parts of SQL queries.
Create a new order by Posting an XML entity to a service.
Support for constants in ORDER BY clause have been depreciated.
支持ORDER BY子句中使用常量已经过时。
Kevin: We'd like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.
Ordernames (string) is the SQL order by clause of a Select statement.
Ordernames(字符串)是Select语句的SQLorder by子句。
Same trick works for alphabetizing words or sorting kids in order by height.
The seller acknowledges the order by sending back an "OrderResponse" document.
XMLAGG functions use the ORDER BY clause to sort the elements within the group.
xmlagg函数使用ORDER BY子句对组内元素进行排序。
Sort syntax such as ORDER BY and GROUP BY does not necessarily cause a data sort.
ORDER BY和GROUP BY等排序语法不一定会导致数据排序。
We would like to grant an accurate order by your adding the sizes on the enclosed form.
Surgeon’s shirts, with detachable cuffs, are still made to order by London tailors.
It can improve performance if columns involved in ORDER BY and GROUP BY are indexed.
如果为ORDER BY和GROUPBY所涉及的列建立了索引,那么可以提高性能。
Remember, sort syntax such as ORDER BY does not necessarily have to cause a data sort.
记住,排序语法,比如order BY,并不一定要引起数据排序。
W:To get around your difficulty, Mr. Brown, I’d sug gest that you reduce your order by half.
Soldiers who are caught disobeying this order by killing prisoners will be punished severely.
Our next example, shown in Figure 2, is a query with an ORDER BY clause using the code below.
我们的下一个例子,如图2所示,是一个含有ORDER BY子句的查询,它使用了下面的代码。
Kevin: we need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.
With the appropriate access path, the ORDER BY or GROUP BY requirement can be met without sorting.
使用恰当的访问路径,无需排序即可满足ORDER BY或GROUP BY需求。
Activities inside a parallel activity can still run in sequential order by connecting them with links.
You can deploy objects out of dependency order by setting the revalidation semantics to deferred_force.
通过把重新验证语义(revalidation semantics)设置为deferred _ force,可以不按依赖次序部署对象。
These operator choices provide further sorting control and accompany a given column in the ORDER BY clause.
这些操作符选择提供进一步的排序控制,伴随着ORDER BY子句中的给定列出现。
XQueries may contain some or all of the following clauses: "for," "let," "where," "order by", and "return."
XQueries可以包含“for ”、“let ”、“where ” “、”order by “和”return “子句中的一些或者全部。”
Like in a regular ORDER BY clause multiple columns can be specified in either ascending or descending sequence.
类似于在常规的ORDER by子句中,可以按升序或降序指定多个列。
To avoid unpredictable output in this situation, we would need to code the ORDER BY clause (even before DB2 9).
要避免在此情形下出现无法预期的输出,我们将需要编写ORDER BY子句(甚至在DB 2 9之前)。
You can also order by multiple fields and specify whether to return the results in ascending or descending order.
The pseudo column LEVEL can be used in the ORDER BY clause to return the result set in search breadth first sequence.
可在ORDER BY 子句中使用伪列LEVEL按照搜索宽度优先顺序返回结果集。
The pseudo column LEVEL can be used in the ORDER BY clause to return the result set in search breadth first sequence.
可在ORDER BY 子句中使用伪列LEVEL按照搜索宽度优先顺序返回结果集。