Before you can complete the task, you need to query out it by the order number.
Supplier must have purchase order number which was provided by Purchasing.
Purchase Order number will be allocated via the BPS MRP purchasing programme.
Be sure to write down the order number that enables you to check your payment in the future.
The order number and quantity will have an int type because they will contain only integers.
You can get the task ID for the order number directly using the query by the custom property.
When you click an order number, the other portlets show the details of that particular order.
For any given order number, the program identifies whether all of its items are available in stock.
If the customer has an order number then please ask them to include it in their correspondence.
For example, when the next order number is updated, every cluster member needs to see the same value.
Listing 2 shows the code snippet to filter the task by the order number using the Human task Manager.
清单2显示了使用HumanTask Manager通过订单号过滤任务的代码片段。
After make payment, please inform us of your order number, name, total amount, and remittance date.
Translators must submit invoices to us on the agreed date and quoting any job Purchase Order number.
Therefore, you need to add an identifier to the order -- but then at what point is the order number assigned?
因此,您需要向订单中加入标识符 ——但是在哪个点上订单号被分配呢?
They only know what products are being ordered, the order number, and how much they received for the sale.
Later, if the customer orders something, the rest of the process might need to be correlated on the order number.
Subsequently, its value is set to an order number returned by a custom code action by using a variable assignment action.
To associate the lines with their order, the stylesheet uses the order number, as shown in the condition o:line[o:ORFF = $orff].
为了把line和相应的订单联系起来,样式表使用了订单号,如条件o:line[o:ORFF = $orff] 中所示。
Collect the customer receipt confirmation and file it according to the product source, delivery order Number, delivery date.
The procedure in the example above adds the new customer and order, and then goes through the items ordered under order number 2000.
For example, on the status page, you might have a user enter an order number and have another button or link that gives them their status.
However, the business data, like the order number you defined in the input message (business object), cannot be queried in the database view.
You can also set the order number as the custom property using the BPC EJB API after the process instance is initiated, as shown in Listing 3.
The return structure OrderInfo contains the order number (which is used for tracking), the shipping costs, and shipping address information.
On the outer packing, please mark our initials SCC in a diamond, under which the port of destination, and our order number should be stenciled.
The BPC database offers a PROCESS_ATTRIBUTE view with which you can query processes human tasks by defining the order number as the process custom property.
The supplier shall prepare an itemized packing list bearing the order number, description of items, part number, and quantity shipped for each package.
MessagingBean, illustrated in Listing 4, is a simple POJO with two methods that take an order number and return order details and customer details, respectively.
清单4 所示的MessagingBean是个简单的POJO,有两个方法,都接受订单号,但是分别返回订单细节和客户细节。
MessagingBean, illustrated in Listing 4, is a simple POJO with two methods that take an order number and return order details and customer details, respectively.
清单4 所示的MessagingBean是个简单的POJO,有两个方法,都接受订单号,但是分别返回订单细节和客户细节。