America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan.
Other witnesses have reported Numbers of a similar order of magnitude.
In troposcatter transmission it turns out that m is of the order of magnitude of 100 to 1000.
So there seems to be a rough agreement on at least the order of magnitude of recent job losses.
But it's going to give us the right order of magnitude that states are there that are accessible?
Most software projects have requirements backlogs that are too big — often by an order of magnitude.
In my tests, it can be an order of magnitude slower than a TimeSeries function that does the same query.
Sorting the derived dataset can easily accelerate the overall operation by an order of magnitude or more.
So while our attention has been focused on fixing process problems, our software got an order of magnitude bigger.
As we want the new system to last for several years, the goal was to support at least an order of magnitude more load.
In annular space, the values of tangential, axial and radial turbulence intensity were of the same order of magnitude.
They can't hire smart people anymore, but they could buy as many as they wanted for only an order of magnitude more.
But it is interesting. Let's just, for an order of magnitude say what happens for ground state electron in atomic hydrogen?
Now, with Chinese and Indian workers undercutting them by an order of magnitude, southerners must produce more or starve.
There is, admittedly, a practical side to the choice as well: our venue is an order of magnitude cheaper this year than in 2008.
Due to the memory storage technology used in SSDs, the performance is an order of magnitude higher than regular hard disk drives.
The gravimetric hydrogen production rate exceeds that of other solar-driven thermochemical processes by more than an order of magnitude.
Sure, there have always been people calling out their wares, but it’s become a whole different order of magnitude — many many orders.
We switched algorithms years ago and our GC easily handles heaps (and allocation rates) an order of magnitude larger than any competition.
Truss wasn't oblivious to the change — 0.015s is still an order of magnitude higher than the first simple case investigated in this article.
Understanding and maintaining the authorization policy will be an order of magnitude more difficult, even if the code is free from defects.
We could optimize, but the application would be at least an order of magnitude slower. Memory use would also skyrocket, as so many classes are created.
I'd characterise it as unprecedented in the history of Myanmar and on an order of magnitude with the effect of the tsunami on individual countries.
Given that we are already wiping trillions off the markets, this is the next order of magnitude that's surely soon going to start appearing on the scene.
Thus, for a typical program invocation with N options, the code needs only O(N) [N*O(1)] comparisons—an order of magnitude improvement over the legacy code.
因此,对于具有N 个选项的典型程序调用,代码只需执行O(N) [N*O(1)]比较 —这是对遗留代码的巨大改进。
Thus, for a typical program invocation with N options, the code needs only O(N) [N*O(1)] comparisons—an order of magnitude improvement over the legacy code.
因此,对于具有N 个选项的典型程序调用,代码只需执行O(N) [N*O(1)]比较 —这是对遗留代码的巨大改进。