In order to reduce food waste, many countries in the world like Germany and France have food banks.
In order to reduce the stress on the students, Nanjing No.1 High School has built a "mark bank".
In order to reduce global warming, emission of greenhouse gases needs to be reduced.
The company has recently announced that in order to reduce its costs, it will abandon this rule.
If your network is extremely slow, you may think about decreasing your default in order to reduce the amount of packet fragmentation.
In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.
This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population.
Inform and optimize designs in order to reduce risk and improve usability.
In order to reduce memory usage, the resource bundle object is static and singleton.
In order to reduce this overhead, a connection pool can run validation while it is idle.
Yet it has now changed its mind, proposing to spin off TIM in order to reduce its debts.
But it must rise further, to 8%, in order to reduce the high leverage of household sector.
Using DSLs in order to reduce the testing burden requires a thorough testing of the DSL itself.
Eventually, in order to reduce the amount of startup effort, we ended up not using the Rally tool.
In order to reduce the time the tests take to execute, Matt recommended the use of distributed computing.
The US also needs the renminbi to rise in order to reduce the trade deficit and alleviate the burden of accumulated debt.
In order to reduce their quantity and strength, you have to ignore them, which is equivalent to not watering the tree.
Those papers also agreed to co-operate in the gathering of news from approaching ships, in order to reduce their costs.
The VNB101 upgrades to an Atom N280 processor, but strips out some features of the 100 in order to reduce size and weight.
In order to reduce the maintenance effort, the business analyst will not give end-users the configuration access to any page.
Then, based on those languages, we want to load only those cultures onto the page, in order to reduce traffic and page load time.
The new law increases the amount of equity capital that Banks must hold, relative to their total capital, in order to reduce bankruptcy risk.
The shame of borrowing from the IMF may also make it harder for the fund to develop its new job as insurer in order to reduce global imbalances.
Having spent beyond their means in the previous decade, Americans will now need to spend beneath their means in order to reduce their debt burdens.
There is broad agreement that “standardised” CDSs should go through a central clearing house, in order to reduce systemic risk when counterparties fail.
The fundamental solution is to increase imports in order to reduce trade surplus. The most simple and effective means is to let the yuan appreciate.
Air pumps are involved, but their role is limited to creating a partial vacuum in the pipes in order to reduce resistance to the capsules' movement.
She added: “In order to reduce fashion's impact on the environment, the fashion industry must begin to challenge conventional attitudes and practices。”
She added: “In order to reduce fashion's impact on the environment, the fashion industry must begin to challenge conventional attitudes and practices。”