On the contrary, a dialogue has to satisfy some basic conditions and overcome some concrete difficulties in order to take place.
It is a good idea to place your order well in advance as delivery can often take months rather than weeks.
According to the WSXL specification, a state machine is an abstract visualization of interaction flows — that is, of the order of interactions that would take place from one point to another.
Every disputed issue has to be resolved in order for the deal to take place. And the business lawyers bear the primary responsibility for getting it done.
And it is a system that requires, in order for this to take place, there is need for balance, internal and external.
You don't even have to get out of your car to pick up a Big Mac. You place your order at the drive-thru and within two minutes you can take the first bite as you drive home.
That place in the mud has to be broken or stirred in order to take the next steps to allow us to move, seek and find freedom of heart and spirit.
This implies that in order for First Contact to take place, there is a pre-required level of vibrations from you as Collective Consciousness.
It means I have to pass all the maths exam, which is difficult for me. however, in order to take a good place in the senior high school entrance examination, I have to make my plan and achieve it.
There's a definite order to taking tea, but the actual drinking of tea can take place throughout the "meal".
As far as I am concerned, in order to solve the present problem, people need to be fully aware of the fact that the modern ways of communications cannot take the place of the traditional ones.
Those who enter the field enterprises, in order to take root in one place, we must implement the country's brand strategy.
On receipt of the goods, they are immediately linked to the back order and issue can take place.
The line clamp designed in the article can take the place of the explosive pressing duct to take on the tensile force of line in working order.
In order for a reversal to take place there must be a brief time during which the field is non - existent.
This transformation has already begun to take place in various regions like Asia where traditional and local music are mixed with hip hop in order to create a new sound that the masses will enjoy.
Take good care of office supplies. Items on the desk should be placed in order. Must suitably place all documents before off duty in order to avoid being lost or disclosed.
In future, the family TV set could even be used to view goods in a supermarket miles away and place an order for the groceries, and also to take different lessons.
Team meetings are intended to allow information giving, receiving, and listening to take place. In order to ensure that team meetings are effective, the project manager would.
We know that you want to know exactly what you are going to get when you place an order, so we have our photographer take pictures of every new product before it is put up for sale on our website.
The line clamp designed in the article can take the place of the explosive pressing duct to take on the tensile force of line in working order. The line and the duct can be protected in this way.
My works are intended to the audience what are supposed or not supposed to take place there in a more dramatic way in order to trigger deep thoughts and profound discussions.
The death of the animal was supposed to take away sins – it died in the place of a human in order to satiate the bloodthirsty gods.
If no, that means one buyer need to place order and take action periodically each week to one supplier, Is it possible to fix one day to get PR and action report?
如果不是,那意味着同一个采购员在同一个周内要不断地根同一个供应商打交道。 我们是否能够在同一天得到所有的PR以及MRP措施报告?
The cause of the risks must be identified in order for ranking and mitigation to take place.
The cause of the risks must be identified in order for ranking and mitigation to take place.