The director objected to the cuts ordered by the censor.
The risks are listed at the top, ordered by severity.
Followers ordered by Smith destroyed the newspaper's publishing equipment.
"Koch simply refuses to pay its share as ordered by this court," Conoco said.
The plug-ins are ordered by name (the name, not the plug-in ID, is displayed).
If sort parameters are not set, the results will be provided ordered by relevance.
Survival was legitimate if you had been ordered by an Officer to get into a lifeboat.
Wine was ordered by the bottle; Champagne was shouted for by businessmen in black ties.
It returns a List of Retweets ordered by their influence property, which is an integer.
Ordered by the judge, Jin went to work at the hospital, although he never did chores at home.
Worse, it might get ordered by treating the dates as textual data, and alphabetizing them.
Within are offcuts of clothing ordered by the current heir to the British throne—used for repairs.
In the end, the query gets ordered by the path that provides the position within the hierarchy pos.
That, says Ahmed Benchemsi, the magazine's publisher, was because of a boycott campaign ordered by the palace.
You can add more if you like-for example, an "order" option to return the records ordered by a specified field.
如果愿意,可以添加更多选项—例如,添加一个“order ”选项返回按一个指定字段排序的记录。
The list of tasks one has in mind will be ordered by importance. Tasks that seem most urgent and important are on top.
For example, the XQuery expression in Listing 3 returns all books published by Benjamin/Cummings in 2006 ordered by title.
比如,清单3中的XQuery表达式按标题顺序返回 2006 年Benjamin/Cummings出版的图书。
The default is ordered by total unique searches and whatever phrases are at the top will clue you in on a couple of things.
The jobs will be ordered by when they were published, starting with the most recent (a minus sign indicates descending order).
Otherwise the slices are ordered by lexicographic ordering of their identifiers (which is a heuristic, but definite, ordering).
This query can be passed into the Entity Manager to retrieve a list of all Department entities, ordered by their department number.
此次查询可以传递给EntityManager,以检索所有Department实体的列表,该列表通过它们的 department号码进行排序。
The result set from FETCH (3) is ordered by the ID column and joined using a merge join with index I1 for T1 to get final result set.
In his speech here, Mr. Obama hailed the improved security in Iraq without mentioning that he had opposed the 2007 troop buildup ordered by Mr.
The list of departments will display, ordered by department number, along with all of the list of employees in that department (Figure 33).
Instead of staying inside, you were empowered (or in my case, ordered by your mother) to explore all that the snow had changed in your world.
The technologies are ordered by what I consider levels of importance and by simplicity of deployment -- purely subjective opinions, of course.
Including this new order, a total of 116 Shadow TUAS have been ordered by the Army, Army National Guard, Army Special Forces and Marine Corps.
Including this new order, a total of 116 Shadow TUAS have been ordered by the Army, Army National Guard, Army Special Forces and Marine Corps.