An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin.
The numerals in Zunyi dialect can be divided into cardinal number, round number and ordinal number.
We can conclude that the two-type ordinal number theory is a extension of the ordinal number theory.
In the third part, we have inspected the add-on ingredient of the marked ordinal number structure from the semantic Angle.
Let's conditionally generalize principle of transfinite recursion from ordinal number class to class with well-founded relation.
During the single dot cross operation, import the athuard ordinal number arrow, simplify the cross operation of the natural sequence.
Ordered element constituant , relation between combinational element and ordinal number and the calculating formula are expounded in this paper.
The input message, shown in Listing 1, provides a data value some_data that is concatenated with an ordinal number to produce each output element.
Represented as an ordinal number followed by either a single .0 or a set of ordinal numbers separated by dots, the node data type corresponds to a position in a tree structure.
节点数据类型用一个序数加一个 .0或一组以点号隔开的序数来表示,它对应于一个树结构中的一个位置。
In the second part, we have inspected the marked ordinal number, and analyzed the different syntax characteristics of the marked ordinal number when it indicate the order.
The author introduce comprehensive resources then use base figure method and ordinal number method and risk method that carry on quantitative analysis from different sides.
She has made empirical analysis and study using factor analytical method, entropy value method and synthesis ordinal number method, and reached the conclusion of practical worthiness.
She has made empirical analysis and study using factor analytical method, entropy value method and synthesis ordinal number method, and reached the conclusion of practical worthiness.