To intensify self-control organization development is one of the "three-year projects" in 2009-2011.
The more that is discovered about the intricate organization of the nervous system, the more it seems remarkable that genes can successfully specify the development of that system.
In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development looked at data from nearly three quarters of the world's countries.
Clarifying responsibilities and ownership of assets across the distributed development organization.
I also resolved to educate my development organization on inspections and reviews.
However, more subjective measures can be used in the early stages of an initiative to assess perceived impact within the development organization.
In a software development organization, you can use many things to assess and define your product.
However, there are many reasons why organizations decide to introduce governance into their organization; software development productivity improvement may be related to only a few of those reasons.
Language guidelines are similar to coding guidelines, but typically come from outside the development organization, and not from within.
For the development organization, code churn — the frequency of changes in program source code — would be an operational measure.
The application domain is owned by an application development organization, and data management (or information) is owned by the data team.
In this section, I will discuss three topics related to using Agile practices in the large development organization.
The deliverable would be a documented RUP process configuration as well as a more capable development organization.
This enhances the always sought after business agility, and takes another step towards being an on-demand development organization.
A development organization should neither overemphasize nor minimize the importance of system testing.
Measures and control of service levels among constituents of the distributed development organization.
It also requires a development organization to be focused on delivering value in a profitable manner.
Residencies provide a profound opportunity for you and your software development organization to really understand how your software is being used.
This enhances the always sought-after business agility and takes one step further towards being an on-demand development organization.
The development organization faces a challenge as the number of functions increases, especially in products composed of hundreds of atomic components.
Many of the same issues apply as you would see in a product development organization, but with different emphasis.
AS a standardized document format, ODF specification is developed by the OASIS standards development organization.
This change in content hopefully will be accompanied by refinements in development organization structure to properly reflect software's growing influence.
Similarly, team members in a development organization are rarely limited to doing one task.
When an organization faces software development challenges, there is a tendency to impose a more disciplined process on the organization with more rigorous sequential processing.
A core system test team working closely with development in an agile environment offers significant potential benefits to the development organization.
The choice of one versus the other often depends more on the current culture and infrastructure of a given organization and development staff preferences than on any particular features.
选择哪一种后台技术通常取决于给定组织的文化及基础架构以及开发团队的偏好,而不取决于某些特定特 性。
Figure 17: Business-Driven development allows an organization to trace business goals throughout the development process for service-oriented solutions.
This promotes reuse and consistency across a development organization and enables the governance needed to achieve greater predictability.
它们可以 促进再使用,以及开发机构内的稳定性,并使得管理达到高级的预测性。
Let's explore some GQM relative to various roles in a development organization.