The host names that are included in that file need to be changed from the names used in the original data center to the names used in the disaster data center.
You also notice that this schema does not represent all the data items from the original MIML file.
When the snapshot is modified, it either retrieves the data from the original file system (if it is not modified) or it retrieves it from its own disk storage (if the original was changed).
When you want to reintegrate the original primary site as the location for data processing, stop the db2 instance and the file system from HostW at the target site, as shown in Listing 16.
若想要重新集成此原始主站点作为数据处理的场所,可从HostW停止目标站点的db 2实例和文件系统,如清单16所示。
Instead of a map to the original data, there are now new blocks with data, consuming disk space in the file system.
Figure 5 shows the data properly formatted as it appears in the original file; the first row displays the field headings, and each subsequent row provides the data.
It USES introspection of the original classes in place of a mapping meta-data file.
The difficulty lies in the fact that you're saving the data to a local file, which means it's not the original server.
With the fields stored in the index, instead of using the Document to locate the original file or data and load it, you can actually pull the data out of the Document.
To convert the form from HTML back to XFDL, the Translator retrieves the original form from the file cache, and transfers the data received from the completed HTML form.
Instead of using a mapping file as the meta-data describing the Web service, it can use the original classes themselves.
The servlet will execute and will output the data, which will be the original contents of the GIF file.
Shredding and removing the original plain text event file ensures that no sensitive data remains on disk. Listing 13 shown below describes the decrypt mode
Warning: the target file system does not support some of the features of the original file system. Some data may not be restored as a result.
Next, I populated the database with the same amount of data as before, backed it up, and then deleted the original file.
This allows special data recovery software to be able to actually undelete the file and view all of its original contents.
Warning: the target file system does not support some the features of the original file system. Some data may not be restored as a result.
Some unsupported data or formatting has been removed. If you want to save the file, give it a new name to avoid overwriting the original file.
Warning: the restore destination device does not support some file system features of the original device. Some data may not be restored as a result.
When the original file handle is closed, the mutex handle is closed and the protections against data corruption are lost.
Once the original file is stored, the technology removes duplicate data down to the block or byte level on all future changes to that file.
Once the original file is stored, the technology removes duplicate data down to the block or byte level on all future changes to that file.