This handler prevents the default event (submitting the form) from being fired, sets the value of the extra ajax argument to 1, and makes an ajax Request using the original form for the URL and data.
To reference the value captured from the original request, go to the URL definition where a dummy request was sent, and check in the Data field for the appropriate value; see Figure 11.
If the data is not modified by your filter, then the original data must be returned so that subsequent plugins can continue to modify the value if necessary.
In the example, the test verifies that the advice correctly marshals data from ITDs as well as the return value of the original join point, passes it to a utility class, and returns the new result.
Data processing arms at providing value information for further action and decision-making by analyzing a mass of original data.
The sender computes the hash value for the original data and sends both the original data and the HMAC as a single message.
Because of many reasons in the course of straightness error measuring, many original observed data deviate from actual value and are difficult to process.
This paper discusses the grey accumulation of original data and the grey derivative's white value, and proposes an unbiased direct grey model.
If a record has changed in the dataset, multiple copies of the record are available, including the original value (as read from the data source) and current value (after changes).
It supports high quality production with high added value by utilizing and creating original data for specific designs and applications.
It supports high quality production with high added value by utilizing and creating original data for specific designs and applications.