Promoted properties are configurable if their original definition specifies they are configurable.
Freud had made significant revision of its original definition in the later stage of his study.
I redefined winning, expanded it beyond my original definition of not losing, of merely staying alive.
More complex regions can be stored internally in GDI as a series of scan lines derived from the original definition of the region.
These terms come from the original definition of AOP and may not be reflected literally in the particular AOP framework you're using.
According to the original definition of titration error and titration curve equation, a general model for titration error has been built up.
Based on the original definition of the critical fluidization velocity, a mathematical model was proposed to predict the first critical fluidization velocity.
Others call them Low REST to contrast them with High REST Web services - services that are closer to Fielding's original definition of a resource-oriented architecture.
其他人则对应highRESTWeb服务—一种与Fielding的面向资源架构的定义更接近的服务—而称之为low REST Web服务。
In fact, the original definition of environment music has stressed on the society purpose from the usual music for a long time, but the theory submitted is so late.
The word captures the key benefit of Yahoo! 's RPC-style services - getting XML results back by making a simple HTTP get request - without misusing Fielding's original definition.
这个词恰到好处地概括出了Yahoo !的rpc样式的服务的益处—通过发出一个简单的HTTPGET请求来获得XML结果—,而且没有滥用Fielding所作的原始定义。
We have created the stylesheet that defines the original transformation rules from the original XML into another that USES the vocabulary of the XSL-FO page definition.
我们已经创建了样式表,它定义一组原始转换规则,用于将原始xml转换为另一种使用XSL - fo页面定义词汇表的XML。
It also suffers from the lack of an authoritative formal definition, resulting in successive "add on" clarifications that have patched some of the holes in the original specification document.
Only one line of the binding definition is different — the field attribute has been removed from the original version.
To reference the value captured from the original request, go to the URL definition where a dummy request was sent, and check in the Data field for the appropriate value; see Figure 11.
Server instances startup with the contents of their parent image. Upon server failure/restart the disk reverts back to the original image definition.
长久以来,服务器实例(server instantces)一直以父节点映像启动,当服务器发生故障或重启时,磁盘会恢复到原有映像。
By applying the "replaces" pattern, you can modify parts of the element without affecting an original element definition in the content library.
Existing instances will continue to run according to their original process template, whereas new instances will pick up the new definition.
After the query is submitted to the SQL compiler, the semantics phase expands the view definition and merges it into the original query as shown below.
Using PUT to replace the original resource provides a much cleaner interface that's consistent with REST's principles and with the definition of HTTP methods.
First, leave the original class definition intact so that it can be found when existing instances are unpickled.
XPath 1.0: Read the formal definition of XPath in the original specification.
XPath 1.0:查阅原始规范中对XPath的正式定义。
This information is mainly used by the DataStage to track the original source for the table definition.
Using the CDR swap command, swap the newly-created shadow replicate definition and the original master replicate definition.
In the original parser, expressions like "5 + 5 + 5" were acceptable owing to the rep combinator in the grammar definition for expressions (expr) and terms (term).
在原来的解析器中,可以接受像“5 + 5 + 5”这样的表达式,因为语法中为表达式(expr)和术语(term)定义了rep组合子。
When a WSDL definition of a Web service is uploaded, the original WSDL is saved as a "Validation Map" and is referenced as the private WSDL.
The cultural quality and style is the value base of the construction of university courses and its original theoretical foundation lies in the definition of its characters.
Based on the original geometrical definition of the convexity for planar parametric curve, the local and global convexity are discussed, and a few properties are obtained.
In the fusion image, most of all the image characteristics and information have been preserved, and the definition and the spatial quality of the original image have been improved.
Then the formal definition of extension knowledge representation is proposed and compared with several original methods of knowledge representation.
The emergence of intelligent network can shorten the cycle in which a new service completes its definition to the final use for one-fifth of the original.