The original end date of the project was June 2012, however there will be a project extension of between 6 months and 2.5 years.
The limited warranty extends only to the original end-user purchaser and holder of this warranty (" You "or" Your ") and is not transferable or assignable to any subsequent purchaser.
The timbers that closed the recovered end of the boat had been removed in antiquity when it was abandoned, but much about its original shape could be deduced.
For each occurrence of such word there is a separate element that contains the occurrence ID and the begin and end position in the original text.
At the end of the project, although we may not have met stakeholders' original expectations, we should have met those that were negotiated at the end of Elaboration.
The stack trace includes frames from both the new and original location, with the text "End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown" separating the two.
At the end of Listing 4, assoc will return and print a new map, but the original map will be unmodified.
Or does the project come to an end when it has fulfilled its original charter but its models and generated artifacts live on in the enterprise stream?
Company holders would thus end up with shares in both the original company and in the buyer of the business being unloaded.
At the end of the hook method, I invoke the original method call on the decorated object using my new argument list.
Tracing is generally used for problem diagnosis, either by the original developer, or by a service engineer or an end user.
To that end, Clarke spelt out a seven-part strategy, adding two items to Leahy's original plan.
More than half of the original study group had moved out of the favelas, suggesting they are not the dead-end that many people suppose.
Shiretoko's original inhabitants, the Ainu, had referred to the peninsula as the end of the world.
In the end they were no more original than any other couple in Taiping, falling back to the reliable shrubbery in the public lake garden.
A successful dodge leaves readers unsure of what the original question was by the end of the speaker's answer.
If the translation of a label is longer than the original, the text may be truncated; if it is shorter, the dialogue may end with undesired empty Spaces.
By the end of the original Kung Fu Panda, Po (Jack Black) had proved himself as the new Dragon Warrior and, ergo, the most awesome martial-arts bear the world has ever known.
At the end of may Mr Hatoyama may propose a modified version of the original plan.
In the end, we received clearance from the command central to continue workingon the carriages in their original locations.
Besides, the SOFA is likely to name the end of 2011 as the deadline for America's withdrawal-more than a year later than Mr Obama's original promise.
Prepare for interviews by practicing succinct summaries of your successes, including "the original problem or challenge, your contribution to the solution, and the end result," Harris says.
But control groups have begun to find a lot of users outside of the original target audience; they are, in the end, a successful feature.
The end result is a modified original list that now starts with five new elements of 100.
最终的结果是修改后的原始list,它现在以五个值为 100的新元素开始。
Everything inside these special tags is processed on the server before the page is returned to the client, so the end user can never see the original Ruby code.
You will now have to delete some rows from your selection to end up with 5 rows only to match those in the original image.
You can see in Listing 10 what the original Listing 1 looks like through the Terse back end.
And, in the end, we now have a shiny new product which is less buggy than before but handles only about half the functionality of the original.
And, in the end, we now have a shiny new product which is less buggy than before but handles only about half the functionality of the original.