The Ares I booster is designed to launch NASA's Orion spacecraft slated to replace the shuttle fleet.
The rest of the year saw NASA, its partners, and contractors come together to build the next Orion spacecraft.
The original Orion spacecraft was part of NASA's Constellation program to take man back to the moon, and later, to Mars.
It has pitched what it is calling the L-2 Farside Mission Orion spacecraft to do the job, which would house both astronauts and probes.
他们选择了L - 2赛德团猎户座飞船来完成这项工作,这飞船能够容纳宇航员以及各类探测仪器。
The third mission, called Orion I, is planned to launch an actual Orion spacecraft into orbit, but on an unmanned test flight, Diller said.
迪勒说,第三次任务是称为“猎户座i”(Orion i)的无人飞行试验,将发射真正的猎户座太空船到轨道上。
The rocket is Ares I-X? A suborbital prototype for the Ares I rocket NASA plans to use to launch its shuttle successor, the Orion spacecraft.
这次发射的火箭“战神i - X”是“战神i”(Ares I)的亚轨道原型机,美国国家航空航天局计划使用“战神i”发射猎户座太空船。
The rocket is Ares I-X - a suborbital prototype for the Ares I rocket NASA plans to use to launch its shuttle successor, the Orion spacecraft.
这次发射的火箭“战神i- X”是“战神i”(Ares I)的亚轨道原型机,美国国家航空航天局计划使用“战神i”发射猎户座太空船。
The original Orion spacecraft was part of NASA's Constellation program to take man back to the moon, and later, to Mars. That program was canceled.
A so-called Earth Departure stage and Altair lunar lander would sit atop the core stage and be launched into orbit to meet Orion spacecraft carrying moon-bound astronauts.
NASA's Orion spacecraft has proven itsmettle in a test designed to determine the spacecraft's readiness for its firstflight test -- Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) -- later this year.
NASA的猎户座飞船在一个测试中已经检验了其内在气质, (这)旨在确定该航天器为其第一次飞行的准备情况 – 即探索飞行测试-1(EFT-1)- 今年晚些时候(发射)。
The spacecraft to carry future explorers to the moon, the Orion crew exploration vehicle, looks very similar to the Apollo spacecraft.
Orion has the largest parachute system ever built for a human-rated spacecraft.
A major milestone for Orion is expected totake place in 2014, when a Delta IV-Heavy lofts the spacecraft on its firsttrip into space on the Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) mission.
Orion will return home at a speed almost 5,000 MPH faster than any current human spacecraft.
Orion will return home at a speed almost 5,000 MPH faster than any current human spacecraft.