OTC medicine doesn't require a prescription.
Over-the-counter (OTC) weight-loss pills: What you need to know
Meanwhile, the exchanges are making forays into the OTC area.
Color seems to be integral component of an OTC product, the team says.
Already, though, the distinction between OTC and exchange trading is blurring.
Are exchange traded derivatives superior to over the counter (OTC) derivatives?
Foreign Banks and institutions is an OTC market, so there is no absolute ranges.
Tell your doctor about any other medications you take, either prescribed or OTC.
Others argue that few OTC derivatives markets are amenable to exchange-trading anyway.
The first is the role OTC credit derivatives played in amplifying the financial crisis.
Forward contracts are agreements negotiated directly between two parties in the OTC markets.
As OTC volumes have slumped, efforts to make the markets more "exchange-like" have increased.
Whether cleared OTC derivatives should be traded on an exchange is the other big debating point.
If the benefits of CCPs in OTC markets are so overwhelming, why did they not emerge on their own?
OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen may help fever, headaches and body aches.
Most bonds are traded in the Over-The-Counter (OTC) market which is made up of Banks and security firms.
大部分债券是通过场外交易(Over - The - Counter,OTC)市场进行交易的。场外交易市场是由银行和证券公司所组成。
OTC traders like to deal directly with each other, and their products are often too specialised to fit on an exchange.
Most are unlisted on a major exchange, typically trading on the OTC Bulletin Board, where brokerage costs can be high.
绝大多数未在主要交易所上市,通常在经纪人成本很高的场外交易公告牌市场 进行交易。
JPMorgan Chase has said that fully one-third of its investment-banking profits came from OTC derivatives in 2006-2008.
摩根大通曾表示:在2006 - 2008年,投资银行利润的三分之一来自于场外衍生工具的交易。
Yet OTC products have their own blessings; they allow bankers to tailor financial products to their customers' needs.
即便如此,OTC产品还是有其优越性的;银行家可以将OT C产品加以改造,使其成为符合客户需求的金融产品。
Many of those end-users, which collectively hold 10-15% of OTC derivatives outstanding, also want exemptions from clearing.
Today, regulators are putting in place the tools to comprehensively regulate the OTC derivatives market for the first time.
Do we need to focus on prescribing and instituting appropriate clearing and settlement practices even for OTC products?
Interest rate forward: (forward rate agreement FRA) : the forward rate agreement is the most basic of the OTC interest rate contract.
As politicians push the trading of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives onto clearinghouses and exchanges, it has a chance to get bigger still.
Armed with their brooms and pinnies, the regulators clearly can help to tidy up the OTC market. There is no need to sweep it out of existence.
OTC drugs can be picked off the shelf with no prescription; OTC derivatives are traded privately between two parties rather than on an exchange.
OT C药无需处方即可购买;otc衍生品交易不经交易所由交易双方私下进行。
Days earlier, the Group of Thirty, a panel of world financial experts, spoke of big shortcomings in the infrastructure supporting OTC derivatives.
几天前,G30 (theGroup of Thirty)由全球金融专家组成的讨论小组也认为OT C衍生品市场的市场结构存在较大缺陷。
Days earlier, the Group of Thirty, a panel of world financial experts, spoke of big shortcomings in the infrastructure supporting OTC derivatives.
几天前,G30 (theGroup of Thirty)由全球金融专家组成的讨论小组也认为OT C衍生品市场的市场结构存在较大缺陷。