We need to talk to a pharmacist to find you a good OTC drug for your cold.
For OTC drugs, side effects are included in the "drug Facts" printed on the outer wrapper or container of the drug.
OTC drug market normally adopts every means of marketing, selling and universalizing the drugs directly to the consumers.
OT C药品市场多采用各种市场营销手段,直接面对消费者进行药品销售推广。
Under its OTC drug monograph system, the FDA allows some OTC drugs to be marketed without first obtaining agency approval.
METHODS: the concept of emotional marketing was explained and the application of which in each link of the OTC drug marketing was analyzed.
Companies wishing to market OTC drugs that do not meet the monograph requirements can submit and receive approval of a new drug application.
如果制药公司希望标记OT C但没有达到专著要求的,均可以提交新药上市的申请和获得注册新药的许可。
An OTC drug monograph tells what kind of ingredients may be used to treat certain diseases or conditions without a prescription, and the appropriate dose and instructions for use.
Methods Providing the inspiration for OTC drug research and work through brief introduction the research and the relevant advice on adolescent OTC drug product use in the United States.
Make sure your healthcare professional knows if you have been taking an OTC PPI drug for a long period of time.
Both the Warnings and Precautions section of the prescription labeling and the Drug Facts label on OTC proton pump inhibitors will address these findings.
OBJECTIVE: to research how to successfully convert prescribed drug into OTC and to predict the conversion prospect.
Now days a new and better formulation, the PsorMedicor, has been developed and has been listed with the FDA as Human OTC (over the counter) Drug for treating the psoriasis symptoms.
Taking the OTC anti-common cold drug launched by a pharmaceutical manufacturer as the example to design the OTC medical channel.
笔者以某药品生产企业新上市的OT C抗感冒药为例进行OT c药品渠道设计。
Taking the OTC anti-common cold drug launched by a pharmaceutical manufacturer as the example to design the OTC medical channel.
笔者以某药品生产企业新上市的OT C抗感冒药为例进行OT c药品渠道设计。