An investigation found that Hurd had falsified expenses reports and other financial documents to conceal the relationship.
Even with the financial aid, her mother can barely afford the uniforms, textbooks, school supplies, snacks, and other expenses of keeping her kids in school.
Unemployment insurance funds shall be used for their specific purposes, and may not be misused for other purposes or used to balance financial expenses and receipts.
But the financial crisis had swept the globe world in 2008, Europe and the United States, Japan and other major economy contracted by a huge impact, have to reduce it expenses.
Student, Chen Ruiting:The Girl's High school is every girl's dream. I'm not going to study there for financial reasons, because transportation and other expenses would be a too much for my family.
Student, Chen Ruiting:The Girl's High school is every girl's dream. I'm not going to study there for financial reasons, because transportation and other expenses would be a too much for my family.