Respirators may help protect your lungs, however, some biological contaminants may be absorbed through the skin or eyes and other protective equipment may be required.
Products with good performance, protection area, light weight, etc. , can be used in the manufacture of vehicles, aircraft and other weapons, armor and other protective equipment.
Though they wear breathing apparatus and other protective equipment while fighting fires, researchers point out, they typically remove the gear when they're merely in the vicinity of the fire.
WHO has despatched a further 500 kg of personal protective equipment and other supplies to assist in the immediate improvement of infection control in hospitals and the protection of front-line staff.
Protective clothes, X-ray machines and other medical equipment have been sent to the affected area.
In the construction of steel pipe scaffold on electric welding machine, vibrator and other electrical equipment should be placed in dry wood, operators shall wear insulating protective equipment.
Welder 's gloves, welder' s goggles, leather sleeves, a leather apron, and other standard protective equipment must be worn for cutting and welding operations.
A distributing frame carrying on one side all outside lines, and on the other side the terminations of the central office equipment and protective devices for them.
The company offers products include: gas alarming device series, of personal protective equipment series, sound-light alarm series, other alarm equipment series, etc.
Results: There were inadequacies in the configuration, use, training and exercises, maintenance, updating and other aspects of personal protective equipment.
Results: There were inadequacies in the configuration, use, training and exercises, maintenance, updating and other aspects of personal protective equipment.