Such dimensions of reading suggest—as others introduced later in the book will also do—that we bring an implicit (often unacknowledged) agenda to any act of reading.
In these circumstances, we will not regret being kind to others, but, if we act only for our self interest then we often will.
The trick is to find an “instrumental variable” which can act as a proxy for one variable in a statistical analysis, but which is clearly unrelated to the others.
The act of denying your actual age in order to give others the impression that you are younger.
Most of us are strongly influenced by thinking about how others would behave in the same situation we are in, especially when we are unsure how to act (Cialdini, 2001).
The American idea, as I understand it, is to trust people to know their own minds and to act in their own enlightened self-interest, with a necessary respect for others.
据我理解,所谓美国信念(Americanidea),就是相信人们不仅能够理解自己的思想,而且能依照启蒙后的自身利益(enlightened self - interest)行事,同时对他人保持必要的尊重。
"You have chosen to act at the instance and behest of (activist) Ms Medha Patkar and others in haste and in a high-handed arbitrary manner," the statement said.
Most of us are strongly influenced by thinking about how others would behave in the same situation we are in, especially when we are unsure how to act.
In Hollywood, scriptwriters register their pitches with the writers Guild — a simple act that hedges against the risk that others will claim a story as their own.
If you're looking for something to change beyond yourself, if you depend on the behavior of others, or a change in your environment before you act, you're in for disappointment.
How could publishing these kinds of messages encourage others to act in order to get attention?
Some editors allow others to act as commentators on papers published in the journal, and provide them with more freedom of style.
Others find the play a moving act of faith, in part because it has endured the battering of history.
That question, among others, will be foremost in the minds of police as they attempt to establish what could have motivated an apparently normal young man to perpetrate an act of such horror.
Others, meanwhile, argue that your mere presence in the situation demands that you act, and that to do nothing would be equally immoral.
Misusing such information to attack computers or to aid others in such attacks is illegal, but there appears to be nothing illegal about the act of discovering and selling vulnerabilities.
Give yourself a hug and return to the act of loving, of worship of God, of extending your loving energy in whatever ways you can, not just to others but to yourself.
But to get happiness or to avoid the pain of failure he has to act in a way agreeable to others.
It was an act of humility, Pope Francis explained in a short homily to show that he is at the service of others, particularly the poor and the marginalized.
Before others in my life as a traveler, and now I began to act as a traveler in the life of others.
The duress in British and America criminal law is a seemingly criminal act that is carried out under the stress of others or circumstance, but in reality it has legal grounds for defence.
Let not your hearts be troubled; yet believe in God. Then just act like it - to others.
In a series of studies, the researchers found that participants were more likely to treat others unfairly and act unethically when in the close proximity to their bosses.
One by one, others joined in a powerful consensus that we had to act, boldly and quickly.
One by one, others joined in a powerful consensus that we had to act, boldly and quickly.