We knew it was important (as it is for all sites that have high-volume throughput) to do benchmarking with our application early in the development process and then to size the servers appropriately.
To accomplish my goal of intercepting the classloading process we need to go a step further, by defining and using our own classloader for the application classes.
Our aim is to make the application process accessible to the widest possible range of recruits by openly advertising careers in the SIS (the first advert appeared in The Economist in April).
The back end of our application needs to process message submissions and output the messages. With this in mind, let's put together a rough outline of the back-end code.
Our automated utility addresses two major problems in the build and deployment process for a Web application.
Now we must expose the legacy application as a service. In our recipe this is an example of a four-step process of reusing an existing service or application.
We have increased our use of the Internet to facilitate the visa application process as well as to make that process more transparent.
Let's get back to our initial scenario illustrated in Figure 1, where we plan to build a timesheet application with a focus on an approval process.
For our demonstration purposes, we will migrate one application client, the streamer client, since the process will be similar for both.
For ease of invocation, we used the tooling-rich Application Developer to create a Web service proxy for the Web service definition of our business process.
We embarked on a process, lasting months, of preparing our application and opening our life to scrutiny until one day we had a picture of our daughter on our refrigerator.
This paper mainly introduces the research contents on text mining, mining process, mining algorithm and application foreground combined with our research work.
One of my personal goals for the admissions team at MIT Sloan is for our team to get to know each applicant extremely well throughout the application process.
This paper presents the process of modular turning using in our country, the design of cutter structure, the material selection of inserts and the practical application.
Size precision and deformation that is caused during curing process can be exactly controlled. Our research will be theory basis on further application.
The whole process of currency swap and interest rate swap accounting and disclosure provide a practical application for thinking ideas of our financial instruments accounting standards.
However, for our company, whether it is from the perspective of understanding or application, these two terms belong to different theory and hierarchy process.
The database constitutes the current front-end of our application and must be (for other reasons) build during the initial phase of the build process.
Our certified trainers, application consultants and professional support team have 50 years of combined experience in process improvement and quality management systems.
The current application of microcomputer in our country has turned to information management and process control.
The current application of microcomputer in our country has turned to information management and process control.