On our way to the house, it was raining so hard that we couldn't help wondering how long it would take to get there.
Some of us now use our phones to decide where to eat, what price to pay, who to date and how to get there.
'there's still more to be discovered there, and we hope to get an even better picture of how life reasserted itself after the most catastrophic global event in the history of our planet.'
How are we gonna get our truck in there, Pal? -just leaves it to me, chum!
How many times should we have to go through the separate so that we could get used to the people get into our life then go away, and understand that there is no forever in our life?
Mike: It looks I have to make a trip to Fuxingmen. How can I get there from our company?
But in our own case how many other things are there for which there are many who wish to get rid of us.
Is there a chance to get some drawings of the E-042 (are dimensions we could use for our Watches) and if yes how much would you charge us for those?
是否有可能提供E- 042的图纸(尺寸要可以用在手表上)?如果可以,价格如何?
Is there a chance to get some drawings of the E-042 (are dimensions we could use for our Watches) and if yes how much would you charge us for those?
是否有可能提供E- 042的图纸(尺寸要可以用在手表上)?如果可以,价格如何?