Failing to understand our true nature, we revert again and again to the seeming reality of appearances.
With powerful Insights, Dharma is with us-the more we perceive our true nature, the lesser our attachment and desire will be.
Ultimately, Reason allows us to choose that which is in tune with our true nature with greater accuracy than if we merely follow our animal instinct.
However, we seldom experience our true nature and seldom get in touch with our souls because the limitations of thought shadow the soul the way clouds hide the sun.
Buddha recognized that ignorance of our true nature is the root of all the torment of samsara, and the root of ignorance itself is the mind's habitual tendency to distraction.
I am not the only one perplexed about the true nature of the increasing presence of technology in our culture.
Our doubts and fears are not true in themselves. Our deepest beliefs about ourselves and the nature of our world are not true in themselves, but our thinking makes them true in our experience.
The choice is always ours whether we confine ourselves to our self-made fear or seek understanding about the true nature of our worries.
Personally, my job is to find new ways in which to discover the true nature of our being.
only with a single-minded attention to Christ can we give up our clinging fears and face our own true nature.
I have suspected for a time now the true nature of the evil that is at the heart of our troubles, but is was too horrible to admit the truth of it.
It is true that during our explorations we often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature.
This example of an institution revealing its true nature and thus creating an emotional and memorable response is more than applicable to our profession.
Only by being close to nature can we recover our vitality and go back our true selves.
He moves from our time scale to theirs, revealing the true nature of plants as creatures that are every bit as dynamic and aggressive as animals.
It is true that, as egos, we are all selfish and concerned about meeting our own needs at everyone else's expense. This is simply the nature of the ego thought system.
True to our nature as a sailing club, we at Daring Duck will now organise our first Mast Climbing competition during the upcoming Handmade Products ONLY market.
True to our nature as a sailing club, we at Daring Duck will now organise our first Mast Climbing competition during the upcoming Handmade Products ONLY market.