If you life is all duty and work (even if the work is enjoyable), you are living out-of-balance.
When you build your life around simplicity you reduce the number of out-of-balance things that can disrupt your happy living.
When the time for tasks is out of balance (meaning that one or more tasks are not given a fair amount of time relative to others), then those out-of-balance tasks should be given time to execute.
As other nations grow and spend more money on American products, the balance of trade should even out.
People widely report that crying relieves tension, restores emotional balance and provides "catharsis", a washing out of bad feelings.
When the body is out of alignment from overworking, we waste a vast amount of mental and physical resources trying to return to balance before we can move forward.
They were able to walk faster, had improved balance, and were also able to get up out of a chair faster than the control group.
The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet's environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means.
Thankfully, there is a way out of this trap but it involves striking a subtle balance.
With the jaguars gone, the ecosystem was out of balance.
Make sure you give an equal amount of good feedback to balance out anything bad.
Every day something will try to push you out of balance (and most of the time this "something" will succeed) but every time you will be able to bounce back to your balance.
First, in matters of health, I believe our world is out of balance, possibly as never before in history.
A world that is out of balance in matters of health is neither stable nor secure.
When I said that my life is out of balance I meant that I do not have a standard balanced life.
As your life gets further out of balance, you feel worse, causing you to exacerbate the problem by worrying and complaining more.
To illustrate why IP systems tend to get out of balance, imagine a simple society including you and me.
When the Grand Contradiction goes out of balance, uncomfortable feelings automatically occur — as a signal, I believe, to get back into balance.
When your lifestyle turns into an endless to-do list then you feel out of control and out of balance.
Or are they leaving this world more and more out of balance, especially in matters of health?
I believe that our world is out of balance in matters of health as never before.
This job was better, but I still felt out of balance due to the two hour daily commute (one hour each way) and the on-call nature of the job.
Too many times our lives are thrown out of balance because we set unrealistic goals for ourselves.
Skipping meals throw your metabolism out of balance, causing you to gain fat and lose energy.
Arizona is among the states worst hit by the recession, and years of tax cuts combined with more spending under Ms Napolitano had left its budget out of balance when Mrs Brewer took over.
Asset allocations went wildly out of balance, overweighted to illiquid partnerships as the value of equities plunged.
Skipping meals throw your metabolism out of balance, causing you to gain fat and lose energy.
Theft and vandalism are very rare occurrences there precisely because the punishment feels completely out of balance with the crime.
It documents a number of failures and shortcomings that have left the health status of different populations, both within and between countries, dangerously out of balance.
Of course, you can't be sure which comes first: maybe angry people are more out of balance, or maybe the inability to find equilibrium makes you angry.