Several of the airline's planes are temporarily out of commission and undergoing safety checks.
Yet, as the commission points out, the job still "combines the functions of a judge with those of an investigator" and as such operates with "fundamental ambiguity".
Besides two days I was mostly out of commission due to my hurt knee/foot and I only went out to dinner for a bit.
For example, if advisers work on commission, ask for their firm's commission schedule and find out if there are a limited number of products or services they can recommend and why.
As long as these assets remain out of commission, the output they would have produced is, in theory, lost.
COO Tim Cook and the rest of Apple's executive team have persuaded Wall Street that they can run the company - and run it well - even when Jobs is out of commission.
The European Commission and the IMF said they were optimistic that the exact details of a loan could be worked out quickly.
When a bipartisan commission sketched out a way forward at the end of last year, Barack Obama and the Republican leadership raced to distance themselves from its conclusions.
Most advertisers and publishers do allow users to opt out of such targeting, but the Federal Trade Commission believes that simpler, more transparent options are needed.
The Federal Trade Commission urges people to treat such gadgets “like cash” and keep them securely about their person or hidden out-of-sight.
The Federal Trade Commission urges people to treat such gadgets "like cash" and keep them securely about their person or hidden out-of-sight.
Other USES of spam have triggered investigations from the Securities and Exchange Commission as people send out e-mails claiming that certain penny stocks will shoot up.
As we report in this article, Mr Obama's bipartisan deficit commission has now sketched out some of the painful choices that doing so would entail.
But the commission may hold out for a "global", industry-wide settlement on mortgages, given the breadth of alleged misconduct.
This confirmed the danger of a two-speed Europe that locked out non-euro countries and sidelined the European Commission.
Mr Annan has apparently ruled out a recount of the vote on the ground that Kenyans have lost confidence in their electoral commission.
Much of it goes to the country's 541 coal-fired power plants, which pumped out 554,420 megawatts of electricity last year, according to the State electricity Regulatory Commission.
来自国家电力监管委员会的信息,其中的相当一部分,已用于在去年发电量在554 420兆瓦的全国541家火力发电站了。
A survey conducted for the European Commission in 2003 estimated that 400,000 EU-born scientific researchers are working in the United States; and three out of four have no plans to return.
Earlier this year, when flooding washed out large portions of the track, the venerable train was put out of commission.
Consequently, I’ve been out of commission for the past few days. I’m feeling better today, and the fever has passed, but I still have a sore throat and feel a bit spacey.
That information was blacked out on the 1, 800 pages of documents given to Mikva's commission.
The aid would be subject to assessments carried out by the European Central Bank and the European Commission, ensuring the European Union retained control of the terms of the rescue.
救援行动将在欧洲央行(ecb)和欧盟委员会(European Commission)的评估指导下进行,确保欧盟保留对救援条件的控制权。
On November 23rd the European Commission laid out three approaches for issuing Eurobonds, two of which imply mutual guarantees.
On November 23rd the European Commission laid out three approaches for issuing Eurobonds, two of which imply mutual guarantees.