You may need to revise any projections that are out-of-step with these indicators.
Then, it has a detail introduction for distribute location of out-of-step splitting in power system.
Appropriately control of generator out-of-step oscillation is an important issue of generator-network harmonization.
The rise of the Internet has led to a view among many users and Web companies that copyright is a relic, suited only to the needs of out-of-step corporate behemoths.
Based on the study of the movement of oscillation center, a criterion of determining whether the center of out-of-step will lies in the interior of the generator is proposed.
The criterion possesses the features of simple configuration and excellent adaptability. Because of its easy implementation it is a practicable method for out-of-step protection.
Out-of-step splitting which is an important measure to assure safe running of power system, is the last line of defence to assure the whole power network not to collapse completely.
I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame, and to seize it, when a window behind me was raised, and a gentleman spoke out of it, saying: "Step in here, please."
What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?
The first step is to go exploring, if you're out of your comfort zone or if you're wandering into somebody's house for the first time.
valuations that seem out of step with historical trends (and, in America, the underlying economy) are usually ones to worry about.
underlying economy好像应该是指股票市场相对的经济,美国股市相对美国经济,中国股市相对中国经济的意思,这里意思是说如果是在美国,估价和历史趋势以及相对应的经济形势不符合的时候,通常是人们担心所在。
You can step into, step over, or step out of various elements in a component instance.
But they grumble that I'm out of step with The Times.
Continuing with our analysis, if there are several input lines going into and out of a step or resource, you have visually identified an architectural or structural bottleneck.
Take a step out of bitterness into forgiveness today. Forgive the unforgivable. You can do it!
This shift may also explain why Britain, in this matter as in so many others, is out of step with its EU partners.
If you went there, you wouldn't notice anything peculiar about time, but if you compared clocks between the two locations, they'd be enormously out of step.
Against that backdrop, your company's rigid no-flextime policy seems out of step with The Times.
For wary observers, such as this newspaper, valuations that seem out of step with historical trends (and, in America, the underlying economy) are usually ones to worry about.
Gerbrandt is right about the Academy being out of step, he's just a little fuzzy on the details.
Right after I step out of my house, I can see many elderly people jogging around.
Break the rules and step out of your comfort zone and see what comes of it.
"Married men and the supporters of families, step out of the ranks!" repeated Marius.
Zigtag may be one of the first tools to step out of the Web 2.0 box.
Zigtag或许是首批迈出Web 2.0范围的网站之一。
You challenge dogma by asserting your own views, which may often be out of step with those of society.
This shows that to treat a woman as inferior just because she is a female is not only insulting but also out of step with contemporary American culture.
Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society.
As flowering plants move out of step, or "desynchronise", with normal seasons, serious problems may emerge with the pollination of the plants involved.
As flowering plants move out of step, or "desynchronise", with normal seasons, serious problems may emerge with the pollination of the plants involved.