Out-of-the-box configuration with numactl.
Netperf on SUT in out-of-the-box configuration.
netserver on SUT in out-of-the-box configuration
采用开箱即用配置的 SUT上的netserver
Figure 1 shows the out-of-the-box configuration for the URL mapper component.
The scalability tests and test methodology used in this environment are the same as in the out-of-the-box configuration.
The scalability tests and test methodology used in this environment are the same as that used in the out-of-the-box configuration.
The netserver, netperf, and bidirectional scalability tests were run and data were collected in the same way as in the out-of-the-box configuration.
The netserver scalability tests were run and data were collected in the same way as in the out-of-the-box configuration except that only one Ethernet adapter per node was used.
These metrics, when combined with STMM's advanced tuning algorithms, can in most cases, tune a system from an out-of-the-box configuration to near-optimal memory usage in an hour or less.
When using multiple network adapters across nodes of a high-performance scalable server, the default Linux out-of-the-box configuration may not be the best for optimal performance and scalability.
You can bypass this name-based configuration if you like, but most of the time you just follow the convention, and your application works out of the box.
It works right out of the box. You don't need to prepare complex scripts or write advanced configuration files.
But there is ongoing demand for database-driven, self-contained applications that work straight out of the box without additional configuration or administration.
Existing widgets have been improved for ease of use, with less configuration required out-of-the-box.
It has no staff repository assigned, no configuration parameters, and can thus be used out-of-the-box.
The out-of-the-box tests were run with no software configuration changes.
The default configuration that can be used out-of-the-box is the user registry plug-in with the Local OS user registry.
Pros: Beginner-friendly, especially the commercial edition; excellent central configuration utility; very good out-of-the-box support for dozens of languages; installable live CD.
优点:上手容易,特别是商业版,卓越的统一配置实用程序;非常友好的“开箱即用”的数十种语言的支持;live CD安装光盘。
As of IBM Cognos 8 all out of the box providers support the Test functionality which is available by right-clicking on a namespace configuration element in Cognos configuration's explorer tree.
If you prefer not to get your hands dirty with these configuration files, you could always avail of a hosting service designed to support Django applications out of the box.
First, Red Hat Linux 8.0 detected our RAID controller out of the box without any need for special configuration or additional drivers; 7.3 did not.
首先,RedHatLinux 8.0不需要任何特殊配置或额外的驱动程序就能立刻检测到我们的RAID控制器;而7.3不行。
DDM comes with three out-of-the-box security probes that check the Server document, Server Configuration document, and Person documents to verify that the Settings meet best practices.
It also contains configuration for Tomcat cluster that can be started out of the box.
Works out of the box with no configuration?
Works out of the box with no configuration?