Let him figure out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what is the answer to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or that.
That is something to figure out for the future, what are good research problems which a person could really be involved in and make substantial contributions.
If you're good at some aspects of your job and not at others, then you need to recognize those weaknesses before others do and then figure out a strategy to compensate.
If that's the case, then it's in the bucket of "this is a good entrepreneur going after a big opportunity, and I believe he will use my funding wisely to figure it out".
This is really a good thing to keep up to date as it helps other people figure out what features were added, and when they became part of the main distribution.
A good way to figure out where your time is actually going is to keep a time log for at least a couple of weeks.
It's a good idea to identify who you don't trust, since it will help you figure out what your real problem is.
If politicians can come up with a game plan to address debt levels, figure out a way to drive growth, and lower unemployment, it will be good for everyone and for the country broadly.
We have four more days here. I hear the weather is going to improve, but I have a lot more to figure out, so I hope it doesn't get too good too soon.
But if you could figure out the base of operations for the great whites, it would give you a good idea of places to avoid if you were worried about shark attacks, he said.
In many ways, it is probably a good thing that brands are still trying to figure out how to best utilize Twitter.
He embodied “the good-bad man”, a figure in search of redemption, and reached his peak with Hell’s Hinges (1916) and The Toll Gate (1920), and he bowed out in 1925 with the epic Tumbleweeds.
他将寻求赎罪而“徘徊于善恶之间”的角色表现得活灵活现,将内心世界的纠葛与矛盾展现得淋漓尽致。 1916年上映的《地狱的铰链》与1920年的《关税》达到了他的艺术顶峰。
By answering these two questions, you can figure out the perfect paint effects to get what, and it directly affects the ultimate effect of painting a good film and your satisfaction.
Trying to think of a good contest to give away one of my signed sneakers. I'll figure it out. Keep moving.
In America, whenever we have felt like we were looking in the rearview mirror to see good stuff, we always manage to figure out a way to have good stuff happen to us in the future.
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. — Audrey Hepburn.
Young to capricious, go out to enjoy, love is like driving through. Have a good sightseeing, photography, with his own hands hug strange figure.
The good thing about living a longer life is that you have more time to figure out what career suits you best.
Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. And figure out what you personally love. And like, go after it with everything you've got no matter how much it takes.
The really good ones figure out how to create a system and a culture of feedback that is safe.
Take the example of revenue forecasting. If unusual spikes of revenue are observed, it's probably a good idea to pay extra attention to them and figure out what caused the spike.
It could be a good time for you to take the chance to examine some of your more unhealthy habits and behaviors and try to figure out how you might be able to move beyond them.
It could be a good time for you to take the chance to examine some of your more unhealthy habits and behaviors and try to figure out how you might be able to move beyond them.