The Contractor shall then be paid for such varied work under the terms set out in the day-work schedule included in the Contract and at the rates and prices affixed thereto by him in the Tender.
Day in and day out, the flat crack of the tank guns reverberates through the little Bavarian town.
The nocturnal animals hide in underwater caves by day, then venture out at night, feeding on small fish, squid, and octopus.
The next day, Fox issued a press release saying the show had sold out in 24 hours.
We don't go out much. Give me a quiet night in front of the TV any day!
One day, I talked to a neighbour and found out that my mum was well known in the area.
After breakfast the old guests sat down on the green leather armchairs and sofas in the lobby and began to gossip and look into the papers; they had nothing to do but wait out the day.
In places like Bali and New Guinea, people tend to slip in and out of sleep as they need it, napping more during the day, and getting up more at night.
Most women spend every sunny day out in the sun trying to get darker skin.
All the day, the stubborn boy went in and out of many stores, asking the same question, but each time he was refused.
The second day I set two clocks, one on my night table, and one out in the hallway.
In the Sahara, we should stay out of the sun during the day and find a warm and safe place to sleep at night.
One day, our teacher took us out and we had a picnic in the field where the forest used to be.
In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.
The miners found out that Winifred was a great cook, and they ate in her restaurant every day.
However, one day, in the music class that was part of his school's standard curriculum, he was playing idly on the piano and found it easy to pick out tunes.
Spread the many parts of the many tasks of the day out in front of you to fit both the task and the reach of your arms and eyes, rather than to fit the limitations of CRT glass-blowing.
For one hunter, the search began one day when he was out in the woods and, he swears, he saw Bigfoot cross his path.
Choose Proper Timing: Birds don't like to be out in the heat of the day any more than birders do.
It's like saying something clever in a conversation as if you'd thought of it on the spur of the moment, when in fact you'd worked it out the day before.
Photographer Richard Bedford spotted the birds while on a solitary day out in Norfolk and watched the battle unfold.
Do your ten phone calls in a row instead of spreading them out during the day.
That local single Flying dreams men and women can be in this day, find out the market.
The food in your fridge might look and smell fine, but if it's a day out of date (or even on the use-by day) do you throw it straight in the bin?
Like a roommate from a horror movie, the beetle sometimes hangs out with its intended victims during the day in burrows or other shelters.
After recalling the nightmare in detail, the dreamer writes out the new script and envisions it several times a day.
The fire at the former Imperial Palace broke out earlier in the day in an attic, and was quickly subdued by the fire brigade before any damage had been done.
The fire at the former Imperial Palace broke out earlier in the day in an attic, and was quickly subdued by the fire brigade before any damage had been done.