I think more trees should be planted on our campus because green areas are out of proportion to the whole campus.
His facial features were out of proportion to his small frame.
The Media needs to blow everything out of proportion to scare us into "tunning in".
The outline should be so symmetrical that no part appears out of proportion to the whole.
Nowadays advertising fees of new products are out of proportion to the cost of production.
The vigor and increase of its life has been altogether out of proportion to its skill in living.
其精力和年龄的增长,都已 和其所具有的生活技能不相适应。
But anxiety can become a problem when it becomes persistent or is out of proportion to the situation.
If the park's delicate balance ever fails, the world will lose a treasure far out of proportion to its size.
The psychomotor abnormalities are out of proportion to those observed in severe congenital TH deficiency.
In some cases the labor expended on these historical studies was out of proportion to the result achieved.
"Something I am picking up from you," Qui-Gon said. "Anger? Something out of proportion to what happened."
It claims that the carbon footprint left by domesticated animals is out of proportion to the size of their PAWS.
Congress was designed so that minorities can wield power well out of proportion to their number if they stick together.
He has to realize that no one is trying to fight with him, and that his reaction is out of proportion to the situation.
Large ears usually cannot be lifted correctly off the head, and even if lifted, they will be out of proportion to the size of the head.
Its effect ends up being all out of proportion to the objects discovered, which are, in strictly aesthetic terms, fine but not remarkable.
Another point is the high pay in the financial industry, and how it has grown in recent decades out of proportion to the rest of the economy.
Its effect ends up being all out of proportion to the objects discovered, which are, in strictly 18 aesthetic terms, fine but not remarkable.
Excessive worry about a patient may be the result of being infected by the patient's anxiety-but out of proportion to the objective situation.
The intensity, duration, or frequency of the anxiety and worry is out of proportion to the actual likelihood or impact of the anticipated event.
There, the power of the minority - especially an obstinate and logic-resistant minority like this one - is riotously out of proportion to its Numbers.
The media took some actual bad events and blew them out of proportion to paint a picture of an Olympics that would end in utter catastrophe, because that got them clicks and shares.
Despite their short time on Earth, however, people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet - changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.
A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal.
If a fisherman sold the squid processors a proportion of his expected catch a year ahead and squid turned out to be plentiful, he would do well.
One out of every four Germans today is older than 60, and in 30 years the proportion will rise to two-fifths.
In Britain landfills are taxed out of all proportion to the damage they do the environment.
Why tax and regulate landfills out of all proportion to the damage they do to the environment?
After further development, the system now puts out energy, in proportion to its weight, about 100 times greater than an equivalent weight of lithium-ion battery.
After further development, the system now puts out energy, in proportion to its weight, about 100 times greater than an equivalent weight of lithium-ion battery.