The outflow of capital sp ending and high paying jobs, as manufacturers shift more production overseas , will be a problem.
At present, China's farmers for the financial services provided by the serious lack of the outflow of capital in rural areas and farmers "loans" widespread.
These economies are highly vulnerable to a change in investor sentiment: if a rapid outflow of capital caused currencies to collapse, debts would soar in local-currency terms.
The dollar's weakness over the spring and summer helped stem the outflow of capital from China that had threatened to unmoor the yuan and so unsettled global financial markets at the turn of the year.
There was a capital outflow of $22 billion in 1998.
The war sparked a large-scale outflow of foreign capital, as international investors increasingly saw Russia as a risky and unpredictable place to keep their money.
Economists also said the country should further relax controls on capital outflow, in order to create a better balance of international payments.
Tighter liquidity has been a side effect of the PBoC's response to capital outflow and the weakening renminbi.
A rate rise last week from the US central bank, and signal of more to come, places China in a bind by adding to capital outflow pressure that is weighing on the renminbi exchange rate.
If the central bank does sterilize the money outflow in this. way, then the effect of the capital outflow is. the stimulative effect just described.
Still, the economist is still likely to see the merits of a brain-drain tax on the outflow of human capital.
Until 2001, however, China also had a balancing outflow in the rest of its capital account.
An outflow of Russian capital has provoked a widespread concern of international economic and financial circles.
The Western Development is facing the difficulty of drawing capital, and the contradiction between the outflow of inner capital and the inflow of outer capital is sharp.
The Western Development is facing the difficulty of drawing capital, and the contradiction between the outflow of inner capital and the inflow of outer capital is sharp.