To show you how SSAX works, I have enhanced an outline example that is available on the CVS directory for the SSAX library (see Resources).
Figure 15 shows the SQL outline view of the example credit card application on DB2, for which predicted cost information is also listed.
图15显示了DB 2上的示例信用卡应用程序的SQL大纲视图,还列示了预计的成本信息。
[For example], skip the size of the online advertising market, and outline the size of the network-management, cloud-based slice based on the number of people adopting XYZ.
First the tester drags the script step or group (folder) of steps from the Outline panel to the Reuse panel (see Figure 3 for an example of dragging the Logon folder to the Reuse panel).
The Outline view for this example currently shows only the process; later, when you define containers and partners, they will appear in the Outline view after the process node.
One of Google's many excellent KML documentation pages lists an example with a rough outline of U.S. states in KML.
Google的许多优秀KML文档页面之一将使用 KML列出美国各州的轮廓图。
For example, there's a kind of bad habit going around where the audience has a printed outline of the speech, and at certain points, the speaker asks them to stop and circle a key word.
This is not a full example outline because it is using only parts of the essay we have learned about.
For example, Leo does a good job of automatically generating an outline from files.
This Outline view example shows how the IAdaptable interface in conjunction with certain event types can effectively initialize views based on the contents of other views.
In this example the intensity and blur of shadows will be achieved in post production so I've used ray traced shadows to give me perfect black shadows with a hard outline.
Do not need more than, for example, even if the brilliant painter, it is difficult to outline the image field of flowers this fall, gorgeous color to the scene.
This paper discusses the advantages of making outline for writing and takes a student's exercise for example in order to show the concrete operation of outline method.
Incidentally, at the end of their paper, Lieb and his colleagues act by example, providing a thorough outline of their own therapeutic training and related information.
Combining with the engineering example of base pile construction of high building in Daoli district of Harbin city, this paper states the construction control outline of bored mudjack pile.
For example, you can put the sans-serif version of the typeface into the mask layer while you are working on the serif version in the outline layer.
This text takes a solution of B/S mode school management system developed by ASP. NET as an example to outline software development approach with RUP.
For example, develop a list of questions for an interview, draft talking points for a speaker, or create a high-level outline of the story you want to tell and the people who will be in your video.
Contains topics that outline what to consider when you are building on a multi-processor system, for example, building in parallel and using memory efficiently.
After finding them in the classroom or outdoors, children can outline the triangles with colored tape. For example, they might make right triangles red and scalene triangles blue.
This paper describes the outline of algorithm and demonstrates the ontology learning process by an example.
This paper describes the outline of algorithm and demonstrates the ontology learning process by an example.