The default output file type is.cs. Following is an example on how to use the output directive.
An interface variable has a type based on an input or output message type in the WSDL interface file.
Download the Order.xsd file at the bottom of the article if you have not already done so and use it to create the output type tree.
如果没有完成上述过程,可以在本文结束部分下载Order .xsd文件,并使用它创建输出类型树。
The archive file you download that contains the docbook XSL (for example, includes the stylesheets in different directories organized by the type of output they produce.
包含docbookxsl(例如,docbook - xsl -1.72.0 . zip)的已下载的归档文件包括按照生成的输出类型组织到不同目录中的样式表。
The DemoScript.js file (shown in Listing 3) contains a function named printType(), which is used to output the type of each script variable.
js文件(如清单3 所示)包含一个printType() 函数,该函数可用来输出每个脚本变量的类型。
The WSDL file defines the port type, operations, input and output messages for the ManagerApproval staff activity.
WSDL文件为 ManagerApproval“staff”动作定义了端口类型、操作、输入及输出消息。
You can literally spend hours exploring options. Once you find a combination you want to keep, type set (Bash) or setopt and redirect the output to a file.
您可以花几小时研究选项,寻找想要的组合,然后执行set (Bash)或setopt并将输出重定向到某个文件中。
The output directive is used to specify the generated text file type.
The user has symbolically renamed a type that is used within the output file of a single file generator.
Build output file name, type the name that you want to give the compiled schema file when you build the project.
Build output path, type the path where you want the schema file to be created when you build the project.
The default name is based on the base name of the source file and a default extension based on the type of the output file.
The default name is based on the base name of the source file and a default extension based on the type of the output file.