The Native American people were all adept at running very fast over the snow in these birch branch snowshoes, which if you ever tried walking in snowshoes you know it wasn't easy.
Yet despite the muddle over what the markers of class are these days, 71% of those polled by YouGov still said they found it very or fairly easy to figure out which class others belong to.
然而,尽管这些日子里人们对阶级的标志是什么还很困惑,但在 YouGov 的民意调查中,71%的受访者仍然表示,他们发现要弄清楚其他人属于哪个阶级是非常或相当容易的。
Keep an eye on your younger brother. It is easy to fall over when babies learn to walk.
Eggs can be prepared in a variety of ways: deviled eggs, over-easy, omelet style, scrambled, and hard-boiled.
I know that building an effective patent and trademark system is not easy — because over 200 years after its founding, the United States is still working to perfect its own.
It's not easy to get over a broken heart, but if you believe that you are strong enough and keep yourself occupied, time does the rest.
Hanging above these glass cases are specimens that the museum has collected over the years, all stuffed and mounted for easy viewing.
This reliability and easy maintainability makes AESA radars more affordable over the service life of the unit.
Furthermore, the standardization of data center "parts" over time made custom assembly increasingly easy to do, keeping this approach cost effective.
The strongly typed DataSet offers advantages over the untyped DataSet in terms of speed and easy maintainability.
Over time, defined custom relationships makes assets very easy to find.
As before, it now becomes quite easy to iterate over this object collection and extract the details of specific posts from it.
When you look at the staggering statistics concerning the struggles of transgender people, it's easy to understand resentment over the amount of resources put into the fight for marriage rights.
So it would be easy enough to change this over to database-style storage later without changing the interface.
Over time I think it's easy for partner's to take each other for granted.
Use these steps for both days and you will be rewarded with over twenty days of easy family meals.
As the human species expanded across the globe, we had to have a competitive edge over other animals going for the easy food.
It's now quite easy to iterate over the collection and print the contents of each cell in a list.
It's the best way to keep your code clean, which keeps it easy to change over time.
That simplification makes it easy to get started but won't hold up over time.
It's easy to spot young lovebirds across Shanghai and all over China these days.
The Visitor pattern creates a scenario where adding operations (new visitors) over the set of existing data types is easy.
They're just to easy to lose and they're ugly when plastered all over your monitor.
I think it's easy to over-specialize your software to a particular style and then quickly become seen as rigid.
It's incredibly easy and tempting to over-evolve a popular product by adding feature upon feature until the product becomes increasingly complex and hard to use.
Dress for 15-20 degrees Warmer: Over-dressing is easy to do in winter running.
穿衣保温至高出15 - 20度:冬季跑步很容易穿得过多。
You'll see them everywhere, at all price points: easy, over-the-shoulder and big enough to cart around your life!
It's easy to become worried over the little things: the human mind can blow things way, way out of proportion.
Two siblings of opposite genders rarely argue over toys and are easy to reason with, but suffer from a lack of shared interests as they grow up, the researchers claim.
Core strategic services have an expectation for easy consumption in conjunction with increased reuse over time.