Make an over-all plan for the protection and breeding of cattle, horses, mules, donkeys, pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks, and especially for the protection of young animals.
What you do need is an overall Community engagement plan - a plan that will guide all the engagement activities of your whole organization, whether in person or over the Internet.
How, then, can the election have provided a mandate for a plan that not only would preserve all of those cuts, but would go on, over time, to dismantle Medicare completely?
The plan also envisages an end to cheap holiday flights from Britain to southern Europe with a target that over 50 per cent of all journeys above 186 miles should be by rail.
You have to work out a transition plan that allows you to hire people to take over all the jobs that you currently do except the three CEO jobs.
Let's move over to the Planning Tab, where we will create a test plan, which triggers all testing activities.
Senior Officials from 21 APEC economies will hold discussions and reach initial consensus on the arrangements, plan and propositions of APEC in all areas over the whole year.
This improves performance chiefly because the database saves all the overhead involved with calculating the execution plan for the same query over and over.
Jones, why were you stupid enough to shoot your mouth off all over town about our plan to buy enough stock in that company to take it over?
If all goes to plan, the 1.5-tonne satellite should be flying over the pockmarked lunar surface November 11.
Use leftover white emulsion or an undercoat primer on all the surfaces you plan to paint (the table legs, the trim of the tabletop and all over the chairs).
Meanwhile, she is fending off attacks from all sides, including from members of her own party, over her plan to swap asylum-seekers arriving by boat in Australia with refugees from camps in Malaysia.
It's all about calibration, spending enough time to come up with a solid plan but not obsessing over it.
US and European elements of the White Dragon Society will be preparing legal cases to ensure the arrest of all leading conspirators in a plan to murder over 85% of the world's population.
The kind of plan that Donald is put forward would trickle down economy all over again.
In 1893, Coubertin invited sportsmen from all over the world to Paris and announced his plan to resurrect the Olympics in 1896 in Athens.
Thee plan also envisages an end to cheap holiday flights from Britain to southern Europe with a target that over 50 per cent of all journeys above 186 miles should be by rail.
I'm a Strategist who likes to plan things all out and then turn it over to someone else, someone who's not a dreamer, to implement it.
Old and well-earned distrust of the government hangs over all efforts, and a bitter dispute between the two Indian tribes with members on the island has thwarted efforts to unite behind a plan.
After finishing its plan of building new factories overseas, HB company has become a multinational company with customers and factories spreading all over the world.
Keeping an adequate distance to the neighboring buildings the over - all building plan follows the irregular shape of the lot.
Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU master plan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years.
In order to expanse our business in the oversea market, we plan to recruit 3 merchandisers to spread and sell our products all over the world via Alibaba. com.
These finance moguls devised their plan after World War I, and have been working since on an insidious undermining process aimed at economic destabilization all over the West.
The following day there were celebrations all over England because the plan had been discovered in time.
We are working on this travel in Shaanxi experiencing program. From mid-September to November, we plan to travel to these cities all over Shaanxi.
All she wanted was a breathing-space in which to get over her hurt, a quiet place to lick her wounds, a haven in which to plan her campaign.
All she wanted was a breathing-space in which to get over her hurt, a quiet place to lick her wounds, a haven in which to plan her campaign.