When I was a child, I liked to go to the market with my grandmother, seeing her pick over the vegetables while talking with the sellers.
She was going over to her parents' house to pick up some clean clothes for Oskar.
I would rather pay for a meal than watch nine friends pick over and split a bill.
If I pick an angle of 60 degrees, these are some numbers like half and root 3 over 2.
More than a third of consumers pick one credit card over another based on which issuer has the lowest introductory interest rate.
Over the past month support for Carl Paladino, the surprise Republican pick, has collapsed.
Nobody teaches you all the job skills you need in HomeEconomics, but over enough time, you pick them up.
There are actually quite a few more that we will pick up as the discussion continues over the course of this series of articles.
If nobody posts anything, or if votes are all over the place, I'll pick something I want to write about.
Along with functionality, fragrance—often a melange of many artificial smells, combined in a proprietary formula—is one of the main reasons we consumers will pick one product over another.
和功能性成分相比,香精——通常都是人工合成的化学合成香味,配方复杂——是消费者选择产品的主要原因。 (译者注:另一方面,没有香精,如何才能掩盖化学品剧烈的怪异气味呢?)
Now it’s time to check your mirrors, look over your shoulders and try to pick a line down the hill.
The days of the naive approach — where we believe that if a system is object-oriented (or pick your technology), then it's good — are over.
I basically know the answer: temperature is a noisy time series, so if you pick and choose your dates over a short time span you can usually make whatever case you want.
But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail-and not die a thousand deaths. Pick yourself up and start all over again.
When it was over, and the black town car eased into the lot to pick up Dr.
If you pick the right thing, it will exert a surprising amount of control over your behavior.
You kicked and screamed until he had to pick you up and carry you over his shoulder.
After I finally get the door to lean against the grimy brick exterior and lean over to pick up the bag, the door slams shut, making me jump about 6 feet in the air.
This is the pick that I'm going to take the most flak over, but it deserves to be on the list and I'll explain why.
Once we stopped to pick up a woman who walked over a mountain to find her daughter.
Clients and creditors still have cash stranded in the failed firm as administrators in different countries pick over its bones.
What makes you pick the Uni-President instant noodles over Master Kang?
Then pick up the pace over 10 steps and hold that speed for 10 to 20 more steps.
Virgo : You like everything to be perfect, but when you’re on a date, try not to nit-pick over every single thing to your waiter or sweetie.
Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien.
Send an email or pick up the phone and call those people you wish to see over the holidays.
Even if Mr Nohria decides not to pick a fight over the ethical pledge with the many sceptics on his faculty, he has made no secret of his support.
Even if Mr Nohria decides not to pick a fight over the ethical pledge with the many sceptics on his faculty, he has made no secret of his support.