But much more scoffing over the last week came from overseas, where foreign news agencies reacted to the Tucson tragedy with an element of saying "we could have predicted this."
Mulad looked over and raised his gun, instantly I reacted shooting him twice, once in the arm and once in the leg.
If I had reacted - told him off, called him out for interrupting me, stormed out of the meeting, talked over him - all of which I considered - it would have taken me, and everyone else, off track.
And the fact that, over time, a growing number of the crows reacted to the "dangerous" masks suggests that flock mates learn from each other.
In a rare blast of temper over dinner one night, the elder Mr. Gates reacted to a bitter mother-son argument by pitching a glass of cold water in young Bill's face.
Manchester City have reacted with bemusement and frustration after Corinthians accused the Premier League club of moving the goalposts over Carlos Tevez.
It claims it has reacted after worried callers who have enquired over recent months about what to do if someone should attempt to kiss them in a GREeting.
You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.
Despite all the reports of Internet security breaches over the years, including the recent attacks on Google's E-mail service, many people have reacted to the break-ins with a shrug.
I am speechless. This is the sort of game people value when the season is over. We reacted well and we must now defend our leadership.
Investors reacted severely to China's effort to tighten bank credit over the weekend.
If your child is lying, it means you over reacted to the mistakes in past.
An Internet survey shows that over 80% of voters reacted positively toward the policy.
You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in next 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.
You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 Seconds is what caused your bad day.
Jose Mourinho has reacted to newspaper stories over John Terry's contract negotiations with a simple sentiment - what's the hurry?
Jose Mourinho has reacted to newspaper stories over John Terry's contract negotiations with a simple sentiment - what's the hurry?