You should never use any over-the-counter drug on a regular, continued basis or in large quantities, except on your doctor's advice.
As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedies, the sooner relief will come.
As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.
You should never use any over-the-counter drug on a regular, continued basis, or in large quantities, except on your doctor's advice.
Standard interventions of medication and surgery also include over the counter remedies for which there is a huge market. Fortunately, there are many effective alternative and traditional solutions.
所谓的胃灼热、胃酸逆流或是胃食道逆流是一种慢性的胃病,罹病的人不仅痛苦,治疗更是所费不赀,标准治疗程序 (包括非处方药)与手术是个商机庞大的市场;庆幸的是坊间还有很多简单有效的传统替代疗法,如苹果醋、肉桂及生姜等材料,对大多数的人来说都非常容易取得。
Your doctor can recommend an over-the-counter brand or prescribe a prenatal vitamin for you.
Honey is a better and safer treatment for children than over-the-counter cough syrup, a new study finds.
For bankers, the ability to create specialised products for their clients, sold over-the-counter (OTC) like a tailored suit, is not only a fabulous source of fees.
Because frequent use of over-the-counter pain relievers can set off a "rebound" effect, leading to more headaches, treatment should be discussed with a doctor.
Anyone who takes codeine or triptan-based drugs for more than 10 days a month or other over-the-counter remedies such as paracetamol or ibuprofen for 15 days a month is at risk.
More importantly, it is a giant in the over-the-counter derivatives market, and number one by a long way in credit-default swaps.
Some patients experience tingling in the scalp or twitching of facial muscles. Others experience a headache, which can be relieved by any over-the-counter pain-relief medication.
As a precaution, should consumers switch to other types of over-the-counter pain relief?
Now, researchers at the University of Bombay, New Mumbai, India, have surveyed users of over-the-counter (OTC) medication to find out just how much the color of a tablet influences patient choice.
Squalene is also found in a variety of foods, cosmetics, over-the-counter medications, and health supplements.
“Over-the-counter cough suppressants work great, but a lot of times people aren’t dosing them right, ” he says.
For immediate relief with your current shoes, try adding a flat over-the-counter insole underneath your sockliner to make the fit narrower without affecting the overall length.
The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets, where ETFs, foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade.
It is also found in a variety of foods, cosmetics, over-the-counter medications and health supplements.
A slimming drug available over the counter in the UK is being investigated for links to 32 cases of liver damage by the US Food and drug Administration.
The lesson is that if you're trying to quit, whether using an over-the-counter method or a prescribed medication, follow the directions and your chance of success will increase.
Keep a food diary along with a list of all prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as vitamin or herbal supplements you take.
For your lower-mileage runs, buy a pair of stability shoes and add a rigid over-the-counter orthotic.
It was Christmas Eve and, while at the meat counter, a woman was anxiously picking over the last few remaining turkeys in the hope of finding a large one.
But given the prevalence of trading on the vast over-the-counter swaps markets, it is difficult to get a one-day fix on traders' positions.
One side effect of taking many prescription and over-the-counter drugs can be a worrisome increase in memory lapses.
Because brokers and market makers trade stocks directly instead of on the floor of a stock exchange, NASDAQ is called an over-the-counter market.
Because brokers and market makers trade stocks directly instead of on the floor of a stock exchange, NASDAQ is called an over-the-counter market.
Because brokers and market makers trade stocks directly instead of on the floor of a stock exchange, NASDAQ is called an over-the-counter market.