In welding process, the over range of the interpass temperature can be avoided by the control of heat treatment equipment and by the check of the far-infrared temperature instrument.
Vision is used by micro bats to travel over long distances beyond the range of echolocation.
Boreal owls range over a much larger area than do other owls of similar size.
Due south, directly over the Spin mountain range in front of me, is the crooked line of the Pakistan border, drawn by a British diplomat in 1893.
Until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time.
Just over a decade into the 21st century, women's progress can be celebrated across a range of fields.
Over 75% of Mexico's forests, which range from temperate spruce and fir to tropical rainforest, are controlled by ejidos or indigenous groups.
In a million words written over 20 years, he captured the full range of human emotions and conflicts with a precision that remains sharp today.
The new car introduced a range of additions and advantages over the Pobeda.
The 140 entrepreneurs we have trained over nine years demonstrate the range of problems that can be addressed through social entrepreneurship.
In 2008, researchers built a microwave cloak that works over a range of wavelengths.
The second reason is that it is difficult to make these circuit voltage controllable over a large frequency range.
The tests measured range of hearing over low, mid and high noise frequencies.
The picture has been color-coded to show how the sky looks over the range of frequencies observed by Planck.
The average person takes in a million or more calories per year, maintaining within a narrow range over the course of decades.
The US Dollar index has made a nice move higher towards the top end of its multi-month sideways trading range over the past week or so.
However, the range of human hearing is about 10 octaves, and any reasonable synth VCO is expected to operate over a range of at least five octaves to be musically useful.
但是人的听觉范围大约是10个倍频程,因此人们希望任何合理的合成器V CO其操作范围至少应有5个倍频程,以达到音乐方面的有效性。
One day gunmen walked into the restaurant and shot diners and staff at close range, spattering blood over the walls.
One advantage of the Livermore array is that it provides researchers with the capability of detecting pathogens over the entire range of known viruses and bacteria.
The execution space for a recipe construct, therefore, can range over a network of devices and operate as asynchronous tasks over that network.
The results are quite encouraging in that they show good speedups over a broad range of parameters.
You can use slightly modified versions of this code to track precipitation trends over a broad time range.
Plots can be produced showing how values behave over time and over a range of values of other attributes.
This would have the advantage of supporting reliable messaging over a whole range of transport protocols.
Uranium in groundwater occurred over a wide range of pH and redox conditions because of its association with other compounds.
"Instead of worrying about them all over their range, let's focus on these 42 source sites, many of which are already protected and already have some conservation practices in place," he said.
This algebraic notation of the image allows the entire image, or just a portion of the image, to be recreated at any time by evaluating the algebraic description over the range of interest.
This novel approach was shown to make it possible for SPPs to travel across uneven and curved surfaces over a broad range of wavelengths without suffering significant scattering losses.
This is especially important for those with responsibilities that range over mainframes and smaller systems, which share so little else in their programming or maintenance models.
This is especially important for those with responsibilities that range over mainframes and smaller systems, which share so little else in their programming or maintenance models.