Local regulars sometimes obtained leave over the New Year holidays to get married.
We shall be having two other friends of ours staying with us over the New Year weekend, and it would be nice if you could come then, too.
After spending a wonderful holiday over the New Year period, some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to function normally in their daily rhythm.
According to What Technology Wants, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders of Wired magazine, America's flintknappers produce over a million new arrow and spear heads every year.
The new release will be a LTS release, so it will likely be more conservative than other releases and consolidate on the many changes over the past year.
A new study has found that most three-year-old children can remember a lot of what happened to them a year earlier, and these memories are still clear while they are 5 and 6, but by the time they are over 7, these memories become weaker rapidly.
Barely a month has gone by over the past year without the firm announcing some new initiative or other.
The new dispensation will feel harsh after a decade in which the health budget has grown by over 6% a year in real terms.
For example, imagine that at the start of the New Year (after all the confetti has been cleaned up) you want to switch your application over to a new subsystem for inventory management.
OK, so the holidays are officially over with and it is time to start a New Year.
Despite counseling and written advice about how to maintain their new weights, they gained an average of 12 pounds back over the next year.
If no new users are added over the course of a year, a DPAR starts to lose users (they leave the company, retire, and so on).
One new mammal species has been discovered in the region on average every year over the past ten years.
Although India has resisted international pressure to commit to legally binding emissions targets in negotiations, the country has over the last year embarked on a series of new greener measures.
Business Goal - Transition all systems to use the new AML process over the next year.
As well he might: the rising cost of living has caused a rash of strikes and worries that food might be scarce over the Tet lunar New Year holiday this month.
In other words, even as Arctic climate continues to warm over the long-term, there won't be a new record low ice extent each year.
The researchers came to their conclusions after studying the development of 900 army cadet officers over a three-year period at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York.
Similarly, the company is still building up its cloud computing services and over the past year it added 17 new fulfillment centers.
The IMF, which snapped up over 40 new PhDs last year, is likely to hover up far fewer this year.
But over the past year or two, a new kind of web-log has emerged: the employee blog.
For the 71-year-old psychotherapist, searching for a donor over the Internet is a new experience, and one she acknowledges is fraught with risk.
Salaries are stagnant or lower, hourly workers are seeing their shifts cut, and about half the people who've been laid off and found new jobs over the past year have had to settle for less pay.
Just over a year ago New Zealand became the first English-speaking country to ban smacking.
Although the LHC is expected to close down briefly over Christmas, it is scheduled to reopen early in the new year.
As the new season comes over the horizon, Wenger finds himself in a similar position to a year ago.
And we're still improving it; every year we run tens of thousands of search and ads quality experiments, and over the past year we've launched over a dozen new formats.
This rule will be phased in over the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie.
This rule will be phased in over the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie.