Over the next year and a half investigators will test the various strains of salt-tolerant rice they've bred.
Over the next year and a half investigators will test the various strains of saline-tolerant rice they've concocted.
The US Postal Service announced today that it is considering closing about 3,700 post offices over the next year because of falling revenues.
I don't think we know exactly what's going to happen but it's certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.
I don't think we know exactly what's going to happen, but it's certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.
Business Goal - Transition all systems to use the new AML process over the next year.
Betsy Graseck of Morgan Stanley reckons they'll fall another 10% to 12% over the next year.
摩根·斯坦利的BestyGraseck认为房价会在明年再降10% - 20%。
No IDE plug-ins are available yet, though some might be developed over the next year or two.
The percentage of subscribers with Internet-ready handsets will quadruple over the next year.
In America weak consumer spending is likely to continue to dampen imports over the next year or so.
As long as energy and food costs level off, core inflation ought to slow over the next year, Stern said.
Meanwhile, over the next year there were countless visits and interviews at the police station and her home.
Think of a way to improve your Web site or product through continuing efforts and change over the next year.
More than one hundred GE employees will spend a week at GA over the next year in a sort of digital boot camp.
This rule will be phased in over the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie.
But if the property market does suffer a nasty accident over the next year, the banking sector will feel the pain.
He accepted my suggestion with sad resignation, though he did make a few efforts to contact them over the next year.
Over the next year, Microsoft said it intended to keep trying to cut costs and would keep a tighter hold on its cash.
It now looks to rebuild its relationship with consumers over the next year via various pieces of software and gadgets.
The value of the mine is unclear and Glencore has an option to repurchase the mine for slightly more over the next year.
People who exhibited negative feelings to their partners were about seven times more likely to break up over the next year.
Its biggest challenge over the next year is likely to be convincing disillusioned Socialist voters to turn out at election time.
Current concerns around the company are that the International Energy Agency has recently said oil demand will be down over the next year.
Over the next year or two, this sort of technology is expected to become more commonplace, but it will also raise questions about privacy.
Despite counseling and written advice about how to maintain their new weights, they gained an average of 12 pounds back over the next year.
Despite counseling and written advice about how to maintain their new weights, they gained an average of 12 pounds back over the next year.