Over the years, both the International Wushu Federation and Chinese Wushu Association(CWA) have done a lot to make improvement with strong support from the State General Administration of Sport of China.
Workers with college degrees have indeed, on average, done better than workers without, and the gap has generally widened over time.
And a recent economic study found that cities with more small firms have done better at creating jobs over the past 20 years.
In a classic study done over a decade ago, Norwegian researchers looked at the way taxi drivers in Oslo behaved with and without airbags and anti-skid braking systems fitted to their vehicles.
I've done appraisals across a table, on a sofa, even over a meal. I've had them a deux and a trois - with a facilitator in tow.
As an employer with over 30 staff at Interspire, most of the time when I need something done I can call on a staff member in the office and they will take care of it for me.
Put jobs that are disliked at the top of the "to do" list so that they are over and done with in the first part of the morning, and the rest of the day can be spent doing more pleasant tasks.
Over time these routines and habits each consume a little bit of your time until you are left with days wondering how you can get anything done.
Lo and behold, over the past decade, a new group of assertive atheists has done battle with defenders of faith.
"We're finally breaking out of the conventional wisdom of the last 20 years, which insisted that birds evolved from dinosaurs and that the debate is all over and done with, " Ruben said.
Review: Schedule a time with yourself every week to look over what you've done that week and what you want to do the next week.
As chancellor he claimed not only to have done away with "boom and bust", but also to have presided over the longest period of sustained growth since 1701.
The Bronx Museum itself has done quite a few projects related to community engagement and [having artists] work closely with the community, as well as international artists all over the world.
I continued this experiment for the rest of the week and ended up getting about 25 hours of work done with only 30 hours total spent in my office, for an efficiency ratio of over 80%.
When the movie is finished or the show is canceled, the characters are over and done with.
Replacing Spaces with commas and vice versa can be done in a single scan over the string, and the control characters are injected at the same time.
Try to avoid using the same techniques over and over again, even if you've done really well with them in the past.
Bernanke says it took Washington years to run up these debts, and paying them off will have to be done over time with care.
Sometimes men become quick ejaculators because of partner pressure to "get it over and done with".
The thing with the past is it’s over, it’s done and there’s no changing it no matter how hard we try.
As the ambulance took him on a five-hundred-dollar ride to the hospital, my editor walked to the edge of the stage, waved me over, and said, 'I think you've done enough damage with this story.
Copying files over an untrusted network should be done with SCP (secure copy), and in fact Knoppix won't let you use anything else.
在不信任的网络上拷贝文件应该使用scp (securecopy),实际上Knoppix不会让您使用任何别的方式。
Rather than pay for multiple passes over the XSL, I prefer to precompile the instructions into a Templates object and be done with the XSL processing.
This is not the place to mention any past loves, since that part of your life is over (and hopefully done with).
I said she was cranky and she wants it done with and over like any mother giving birth.
Also the case files must be done before a certain time in the 72 hour period your there, if you miss one it's game over, but you start with all you skills and abilities.
No animals were "meant" to be domesticated. Humans have done this. And now we want to argue with each other over which animals we can use for our entertainment.
Nicole: We're doing our best to get them over and done with. We'll keep you posted.
Nicole: We're doing our best to get them over and done with. We'll keep you posted.