When there's a challenge presented to you, you can learn from it and use it as a chance to overcome it.
Undoubtedly, this is a tall order - but I see this as the real challenge we need to confront and overcome.
I believe there is no challenge so great or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by America, Britain and the world working together.
More specifically, how can we overcome major barriers, such as weak health systems, inadequate Numbers of health care staff, and the challenge of financing care for impoverished people?
I know that the Indonesian people are strong and resilient and have the heart to overcome this challenge, "said Obama, who spent part of his childhood living in Jakarta."
In a quiet moment, identify a major challenge in your life, and think of all you've done to overcome it.
So if someone tells me that they had to overcome some kind of learning challenge, or that they came from a family who moved around all the time, I’ll want to hear more about that.
Until Americans learn to contemplate death as more than a scientific challenge to be overcome, our health-care system will remain unfixable.
As they say, "the persistent and recurrent nature of the 'this-time-is-different' syndrome is itself suggestive that we are not dealing with a challenge that can be overcome in a straightforward way."
Over time, I've come to the conclusion that the biggest obstacle a minimalist has to overcome is to challenge the collective mindset that society has been based on since human history.
Because we know that climate change is the great moral, economic and environmental challenge of our time -one that all nations have to work together to overcome.
Thanks to my mom and all of my speech therapists and teachers, the belief was instilled in me that I could overcome this challenge.
Life is in the race for countless finalists and elimination, regardless of the finalists or eliminated, should have a sense of self transcendence, challenge themselves, and overcome the heart of self.
You have overcome the greatest challenge this world has ever faced and defeated the last of the Prime Evils.
I found, in fact, everyone is not perfect, everyone needs love gorgeous incarnations every individual must challenge themselves and overcome their own!
To help overcome this challenge, new items will be available: rings, specific potions and new weapons.
Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.
The challenge, however, is to overcome the abundance of definitions, most of which are contradictory and only reveal a fragment of what Web services can be or may become.
Because we know that climate change is the great moral, economic and environmental challenge of our time - one that all nations have to work together to overcome.
You will agree to what is needed to overcome any weakness that you may have had, and set up another challenge in this or a subsequent life.
Make it challenging: when players are challenged, the first impulse is to overcome the challenge.
I'm sure we can take up this as a challenge and overcome this entire problematic site if we believe and work together with each other.
Opening a four-part series, they address the subject of value, the first conservation challenge to overcome.
Duality of course encourages that view, but how to overcome it is the challenge that it presents.
And the most important tool we possess is personal confidence, believing in your ability to overcome the current challenge just like we have done so many times in the past.
And the most important tool we possess is personal confidence, believing in your ability to overcome the current challenge just like we have done so many times in the past.