The "boomy" theory is that when times are good, we get overconfident and spend freely, then retreat into a risk-averse shell when times get tough.
Perhaps, too, there may be something about living always in a crowd that encourages loud and overconfident opinion-giving.
I will always remember Brittany as that loud, overconfident girl, and a part of that shy, insecure person I used to be will always keep me humble.
Trouble has a habit of striking places that avoided the previous crisis and became overconfident.
In a boom, overconfident investors take on bets that they later find themselves unable to discharge.
A completely overconfident person (the silent kung fu master in movies) can be just as silent as an extremely under-confident one.
Be wary and circumspect in your judgment, when a fortune is with a malevolent; nor be you overconfident that the malice of the infortune shall be averted.
The paper analyses how the overconfident investors can produce impacts on the equilibrium asset price and the expect return they asked for in a multi-period trade setting.
However, this is just an overall and average change trend, and in real application, the overconfident level of partners would show a trend of fluctuating downward.
I will always remember Brittany as that loud41, overconfident girl, and a part of that shy, insecure42 person I used to be will always keep me humble.
I will always remember Brittany as that loud41, overconfident girl, and a part of that shy, insecure42 person I used to be will always keep me humble.