Distribution circuit breaker a distribution circuit breaker is a device used for overload and short current protection of loads connected to a main distribution device.
CM3 molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) with thermal overload alarm but non-release function was introduced. It integrates part function of thermal overload relay and function of MCCB.
介绍了一种具有热过载报警不脱扣功能的CM 3塑料外壳式断路器,其将热过载继电器的部分功能与MCCB的功能有机地结合在一起。
The electrical supply has the proper overload fuse or circuit breaker protection.
Because bi metal element in miniature circuit breaker is easily affected by ambient temperature change, the protective characteristic of overload will be changed with ambient temperature change.
Because bi metal element in miniature circuit breaker is easily affected by ambient temperature change, the protective characteristic of overload will be changed with ambient temperature change.