Don't be afraid to (politely) overreach and get rejected.
To the commission's opponents, its actions look like imperious overreach.
My coach says I tend to overreach with my arms because my hips are late in rotating.
Another risk to nestle's strategy is that of overreach, arising from two particular vulnerabilities.
Yet from the point of view of liberty, there is a serious danger of overreach, and therefore grounds for caution.
Do not fabricate, falsify, misrepresent, or overreach data in manuscripts, grant proposals, or meeting presentations.
Anticipation can set us on edge and a lack of self-restraint may empower us to overreach our limits and take risks we might normally pass by.
Hong Chengwen, a professor from Beijing Normal University suggests newbies should not overreach, and should instead absorb skills like a sponge.
The great danger is not that we shall overreach our capacities but that we shall undervalue and under-employ them, thus blighting our great possibilities.
I'm sure you would have as much pleasure as I in witnessing the conclusion of the fiend's existence; he'll be your death unless you overreach him; and he'll be my ruin.
When we say that someone is clever, we are not admiring his wisdom, for cleverness can be misleading. It may overreach itself. However, a wise person never suffers for his wisdom.
The cost of all materials and construction for the overreach beyond the allowed range made by the Contractor for whatever cause including backfill of over-excavation are the Contractor's liability.
The cost of all materials and construction for the overreach beyond the allowed range made by the Contractor for whatever cause including backfill of over-excavation are the Contractor's liability.